
2013-01-23 6:29 pm

回答 (5)

2016-05-14 3:44 pm
2013-11-20 6:16 pm
2013-01-25 2:44 am
不論有效還是過期,持有BNO在英國移民上並沒有任何優勢,由於英國現不接受任何技術移民申請,除非你有一個JOB OFFER,你只可考慮在創業移民或投資移民

-需要一個以英語為主要教授語言的大學學位或IELTS ALL BAND4.0的成績

參考: 胡康邦移民顧問http://www.yimin-visa.com/tw/index.html
2013-01-24 1:39 pm
1. The only way is through employment (Investment is also considered as employment as well).

You should review the following and see which one applies you the most:


2. NHS coverage is based on residence. As soon as you meet the residence requirement (6 months), it will be eligible for certain visa holders.

For education, assume none (Per Student Finance England).

One of the key you have to understand - the road to become a British citizen is different between using a BN(O) Passport and HKSAR Passport. By using a BN(O) Passport, you are "registering" the citizenship, which a lot of steps can be avoided. But using HKSAR Passport, you are looking at the whole deal - naturalization.
2013-01-23 9:36 pm

Can I register as a British citizen if I have some other form of British nationality?

This section provides details of the requirements you need to meet for us to register you as a British citizen using application form BOTA.
You will be able to register in this way if you are:

•a British overseas territories citizen; or
•a British overseas citizen; or
•a British protected person; or
•a British subject; or
•a British national (overseas).

Registration under this provision gives citizenship otherwise than by descent. This means that if you register as a British citizen in this category you will be able to pass this citizenship to any children born abroad to you after registration.

You should read the information in this section before you make an application for registration. You will need to pay a fee when you make your application. If you make an application for registration and it is unsuccessful because you are not eligible, we will not refund your fee.
There are three ways you can be eligible for registration as a British citizen otherwise than by descent. These are:

•your residence in the United Kingdom; or
•due to your time spent in crown or similar service; or
•you meet the alternative provisions for British overseas territories citizens.

The details of how you can meet the eligibility requirements are set out below. You only need to meet one of these three requirements.
If you meet the requirements for registration you should go to the applying section for details on how to apply.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:16:36
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