"gay" 與 "cheerful" 的分別

2013-01-23 10:46 am
在 Walter Kaufmann 所翻譯之《快樂的科學》內的序,他曾提及作品的譯名問題:

Meanwhile, the word "gay" has acquired a new meaning, and people are beginning to assume that it has always suggested homosexuality. But even in the early 1960s that connotation was still quite unusual. Standard dictionaries did not list it at all, while Eric Partridge, in the Supplement of A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (1961), listed "gay boy. A homosexual: Australian: since ca. 1925 " with no literary occurrence before 1951 — and "gay girl; gay woman. A prostitute..." If homosexuality is what now comes to mind first when the word "gay" is heard or read, the decisive change was brought about only in 1969 by the establishment of the "Gay Liberation Front."

Under the circumstances, one might give up the title The Gay Science and resort to "The Cheerful Science." But in the first place frohlich (*) means gay, while heiter (*) means cheerful — a word that also has a prominent place in the book, but not in its title. Secondly, Nietzsche's subtitle suggests forcibly that The Gay Science is what is wanted. Finally, it is no accident that the homosexuals as well as Nietzsche opted for "gay" rather than "cheerful." "Gay science," unlike "cheerful science," has overtones of a light-hearted defiance of convention; it suggests Nietzsche's "immoralism" and his "revaluation of values."

"Gay" 和 "cheerful" 間有何分別?

(*) 德文

回答 (5)

2013-01-29 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cheerful = happy, behaving in a way that shows you are happy or tending to be happy most of the time (adjective form of “cheer”)
Cheer originates from old French word, “chiere” - face. The original sense was “face”, hence “expression, mood”.
We tend to use “cheerful” to describe one’s mood, manner or disposition.
You are in a cheerful mood this morning as shown on your smiling face. Last night, you were in a bad mood.

Gay = happy, merry
It originates from the old French word “gai” - happy
Before 60s, gay could be used to describe one’s lifestyle which is happy and full of fun and laughter.

"Gay Science has overtones of a light-hearted defiance of convention; it suggests Nietzsche's "immoralism" and his "revaluation of values."
~ a statement by the author.

I think there is a subtle difference between “cheerful” and “gay”. In order to understand why Kaufmann used “gay”, not “cheerful”, it is advisable to read Nietzsche’s works. The words “Gay Science” translate the German title “Die fröhliche Wissenschaft”. No one, presumably, is going to be misled by the more recent associations of the word “gay”(homosexual) – it simply means joyful, light-hearted, and above all, lacking in solemnity. The Chinese translation 《快樂的科學》is quite misleading. The word “Wissenschaft”, unlike the English word “science” in its modern use, does not mean simply the natural science like physics, chemistry, biology … etc. It means any organized study or body of knowledge, including history, philosophy, criticism and generally what we call ‘the humanities” and that is often what Nietzsche has in mind. In the title, it translates a phrase, “gai saber”, as Nietzsche writes on his title page, “gaya scienza”, which referred to the art of songs. “Wissenschaft” means to convey “a new image and ideal of free spirits”.

Nietzsche's criticism of morality and Christianity is well known. His famous phrase is “God is dead”. Whether you buy his doctrine or not 仁者見仁, 智者見智. He died insane.
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary; ”Potable Nietzsche ”
2014-09-25 8:10 am



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