How might astrology be used to help resolve karmic relationships?

2013-01-22 5:16 pm
Examples please

回答 (2)

2013-01-28 9:01 pm
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Some relationships happen for the sole purpose of resolving that relationship in a positive way. The only way to resolve a relationship is to forgive that person for anything they have 'done' to you. Forgiveness is the way to rid yourself of karmic ties with others that you no longer want to have relationships with.

Astrology can help because you can get a composite chart and/or compatibility charts (synastry) and look for the hard aspects of the conjunction, square, and opposition. Particularly the opposition because the opposition is a relationship aspect.

See what planets are involved in these tough aspects as these are the lessons that need to be overcome because if they are not overcome, you will meet again and have to go through the same issues over and over from lifetime to lifetime.

Only after resolving the tough issues can you overcome the negative issues of the relationship. So check out those aspects and then do some research so you understand what is causing this relationship to continue from lifetime to lifetime.

We are on this planet to learn to love...and forgive. Forgiveness can resolve a karmic relationship and then you will not have to repeat the lessons again in a future lifetime.

Forgiveness isn't always easy, but it IS the easiest way to remove yourself from a relationship that either needs help or resolution or both for that matter.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you both. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-26 7:10 pm
if it is karmic then they are meant to be together, anyway you can compare to charts and see what u get.

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