
2013-01-23 4:17 am
1. 把以下各物質混合,求溫度不再變化時物質的狀態:
(1) 12.3g、–4℃的冰
(2) 1.7g、20℃的水
(3) 2.8g、105℃的水蒸氣

2. 把26.5kg、82.6℃的金屬塊A和10.3kg、14.9℃的金屬塊B投進60kg、30℃的水中。已知金屬塊A的比熱容為263J/(kg℃),金屬塊B的比熱容為189J/(kg℃),求最終各物質的末溫。

回答 (1)

2013-01-23 4:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Let T be the final temperature
Heat released by 2.8 g of steam
= [2.8 x 2 x (105-100) + 2.8 x 2260 + 2.8 x 4.2 x (100 -T)] J
= (7532 - 12T) J
where 2 J/kg.C is the specific heat capacity of steam, 2260 J/g is the latent heat of vapourization of water, and 4.2 J/g is the specific heat capacity of water.

Heat absorbed by ice
= . [12.3 x 2.1 x 4 + 12.3 x 334 + 12.3 x 4.2 x T] J
= (4212 + 52T) J

Heat absorbed by 1.7 g of water = 1.7 x 4.2 x (100-20) J = 571 J
Hence, using the heat balance equation,
(7532 - 12T) = (4212 + 52T) + 571
T = 43'C

2. Let T be the final temperature
Heat released by metal A = 26.5 x 263 x (82.6-T)
Heat absorbed by metal B = 10.3 x 189 x (T - 14.9)
Heat absorbed by water = 60 x 4200 x (T - 30)

Hence, 26.5 x 263 x (82.6-T) = 10.3 x 189 x (T - 14.9) + 60 x 4200 x (T - 30)
solve for T gives T = 31.3'C

2013-01-23 14:13:23 補充:
sorry, I made a mistake in Q1 in calculating the heat absorbed by water. Please replace the equation by the following:
Heat absorbed by 1.7 g of water = 1.7 x 4.2 x (T-20) J = (7.14T - 143) J

2013-01-23 14:14:26 補充:
Hence, using the heat balance equation,
(7532 - 12T) = (4212 + 52T) + (7.14T - 143)
T = 48.7'C

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