
2013-01-22 3:57 am
In 2012, there was a man called Zoe very One day, when Zoe was walking in the street, a man killed Zoe by a gun .

Suddenly, Zoe’s amulet shone a blue ray, Zoe disappeared!

When Zoe opened his eyes, he sawa lady who wore a pink ancient dress as beautiful as fairy and she was having a breakfast. Zoe asked the lady he was dizzy and muddled, asked her ’who are you? Where is it? ’Why am I here?’ ….

After asking questions, he knew that he was now in 1648 years. That l lady was called Judy and when Judy met him, he had fallen into the water and was swoon. Judy allowed him to live in her home until he remember his memory.

As days passed by, Zoe and Judy fell in love with each other. One day while Zoe was walking in the street, he heard someone called him. Oh! It is Sally- Sally is his friend in 2013 years! Zoe was surprised that she was come to 1648 years by 2013 years too! After talking, he knew Sally was come here for last night although she had an accidence-a car accidence. Zoe let Sally lived with him until her find a new place to live.

A few days later, Zoe discovered Sally and Judy always quarrel. Zoe was worried about it. Next day, when he after shopping and went back home, he heard a scream from the house. He opened the door immediately, he saw Sally was holding a knife and Judy was having bleeding and lying on the floor and she was die!

Zoe was angry and cried to Sally ’what are you doing! I feel disappointed about you. ‘ ‘I’m sorry. I love you, Zoe. I’m sorry…’’said by Sally, ‘Go! Get out of here. I don’t want to see you, Go!’ cried by Zoe.

That night, Zoe was very upset and he dreamed a strange. In his dream, there was an old man who wore a magic robe and said ’I can meet you one wish. But it has a condition-you need to reduce 10 years of your live . Do you accept? ‘Yes! I accept. My wish is Sally never come ancient’.’

When he woke up, he saw Judy was cooking in the kitchen. Zoe was amazed. He hugged Sally from behind and said ‘I love you …..’

在最後一段,是When he woke up, he saw Judy was cooking in the kitchen. Zoe was amazed. He hugged Judy(not Sally) from behind and said ‘I love you …..

回答 (1)

2013-01-22 3:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
One day In 2012, there was a man called Zoe , when he was walking along the street,and was gunned down by a gunman .

Suddenly, Zoe’s amulet shone a blue ray,then Zoe was disappeared!

When Zoe opened his eyes, he saw a lady who wore a pink ancient dress as beautiful as fairy and she was having a breakfast. Zoe asked the lady he was dizzy and muddled, asked her ’who are you? Where is it? ’Why am I here?’ ….

After asking questions, he knew that he was now in 1648 year. That lady was called Judy and when Judy met him, he had fallen into the water and swoonning. Judy allowed him to live in her home until he brought back his memory.

As days passed by, Zoe and Judy fell in love with each other. One day while Zoe was walking in the street, he heard someone called him. Oh! It is Sally- Sally was his friend in year 2013 ! Zoe was surprised that she appeared in both year of 1648 and 2013 ! After talking, he knew that Sally came here last night for she had a car accident. Zoe let Sally lived with him until her find a new place to live.

A few days later, Zoe discovered Sally and Judy always quarrel. Zoe was worried about it. Next day, when he after shopping and went back home, he heard a scream from the house. He opened the door immediately, he saw Sally was holding a knife and Judy's body was bleeding and lying on the floor and she was dead!

Zoe was angry and shouted to Sally ’what are you doing! I feel disappointed about you. ‘ ‘I’m sorry. I love you, Zoe. I’m sorry…’’Sally said, ‘Go! Get out of here. I don’t want to see you, Go!’ Zoe shouted.

That night, Zoe was very upset and he had a strange dream. In his dream, there was an old man who wore a magic robe and said ’I can meet you one wish. But it has a condition-you need to reduce 10 years of your live . Do you accept? ‘Yes! I accept. My wish is that Sally never come from ancient time’.’

When he woke up, he saw Judy was cooking in the kitchen. Zoe was amazed. He hugged Judy from behind and said ‘I love you …..’
參考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation by Oxford University Press in 1975

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