1.Shopping place
2.溫泉Hotels ( 8 間s )
3.12月的天氣( 2013年)
4.Which place in 北海道 the weather 攝氏 around 0-10度?
5.Have any 祭 in 北海道?
6.How many dollars are need to buy a 和服?
7.How many dollars are need to buy 3 plane ticket?
8. How many dollars are need a day?
9.In 北海道 what should I say ? Chinese , English , or..........
10.What 交通公具 should I take?
11.If I take the plane at 11:00am in HK, when will I 到北海道?
12.HK and 北海道的時差
13.What 特產 have there?
14.邊d place 係值得去?
15.3people will go there , how many dollars should I bring to there?( 5 days )