英文 Relative clauses 問題....

2013-01-21 8:48 am
英文 Relative clauses 問題....
1.the boy who was injured in the accident was taken to hospital.
the boy was injured in the accident who was taken to hospital.

2. the book is his frist novel which was published last week.
the book which is his first novel was publish last week.

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2013-01-21 7:36 pm
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1.the boy who was injured in the accident was taken to hospital.
the boy was injured in the accident who was taken to hospital.
因為who的作用是define(決定/指示)那主角的重點,相對take to hospital這後來發生的事,who要做的是指示交代這主角受傷的重點,所以who一定是跟住the boy而不能改在to hospital的子句前。

2. the book is his first novel which was published last week.
the book which is his first novel was publish last week.由於first novel跟publish之間沒有先後或輕重的相對必然關係(因為publish和novel的互相同時的連繫,所以這改法仍可接受。不過the book is his first novel便先定明主題是在說他的小說,而the book which is則把重點在於define那book,除非那book是寫作上文要在很多book中提出來便合理,但如果從頭到尾都只是講一本書這樣寫便畫蛇添足了。另外由於first novel和publish不是流程上相關,同時都是描寫這book的話,嚴格而言全句應該要加兩個comma: 就the book, which is his first novel, was publish last week. 所以形式上改變了,主角變成一樣叫the book的東西,但實際上作者用意the book “is his first novel”才是主題。 文字句子寫作是用來潛意識表達信息的,不是所有可互換的文法機械格式都是同樣意義的。

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