How to forgive someone who has bullied you?

2013-01-21 1:10 am
There's this girl...She has told me to kill myself, spread lies about me, and called me the b word in the hallways. This is all because she likes a guy who likes me. She's a junior and I'm a sophomore and I know she's holding a grudge against me for stupid reasons, but I'd really like to be able to forgive her and get over it. I don't want to care what she thinks. I don't want to be constantly preoccupied with dwelling on how much she hates me. But I don't know how to get over it. Any advice? Thanks!

回答 (5)

2013-01-21 3:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2013-01-21 9:47 am
Accept the consequences of what she has done, accept the fact that you cannot change the past, and make the decision not to hold what she has done to you against her.
2013-01-21 4:34 pm
if me, i'd never forgive a person. just forget about it and move on with your life.
參考: experience
2013-01-21 9:19 am
Remember that the only reason she bullies you is that she is inferior to you and she knows it, that is why she stole your boyfriend and wants to steal your life. Bullies are ill adjusted violent and aggressive individuals who ENVY more popular and well-adjusted individuals. This is why you should not forget her until you are reassured that she is not dangerous anymore in your life: that she is not stalking you or targeting another member of your family or friend.
2013-01-21 9:11 am
You have already forgiven her-so now forget.

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