half life question please help?

2013-01-19 3:07 pm
A sample of radioactive isotape contains 320 million atoms of the isotape. A how many atoms are present after
a) one half life
b) five halve lives

回答 (4)

2013-01-19 3:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nf=No(1/2)^#of half lives
2013-01-19 11:13 pm
After one half-life,
There remains 320m * 1/2 = 160m atoms.

After five half-lives,
There remains 320m * (1/2)^5 = 10m atoms.
2013-01-19 11:12 pm
after one half life no. of radio active atoms=half of original ie 0.5*320=160
after 5 haf lives=320*(0.5)^5=320/32=10
2013-01-19 11:09 pm
a half life is the time it takes for half of the atoms to be "used" so half fthe first one for a
the for the second one you need to half the original five times to find five half life's

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