Ink-jet printer

2013-01-19 5:35 pm
I don't know why my printer prints out documents like the one shown here ( I'm sure that there's enough ink because I just refilled it. Why are the possible problems? And how to solve them?



Re no3lunch: I added ink into the cartridge to full before printing the document as shown. So there should be enough ink.

回答 (2)

2013-01-20 3:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
應該係墨盒噴咀問題, 你可試試:

1. 先確定唔係用緊 "鏗墨" 及 "圖片" mode, 機會不大但容易試.

2. 洗墨盒噴墨咀 (Clean Print-head), 用 printer 上 Clean Head 按鈕 (或同義詞, 機款不同字會不同), 或 Printer 軟件 (或 printer driver 內) 做, 視乎你 printer 是那一款. 過程約 3 - 10 分鐘, 會發出噪音, 耐心等佢做完再試試. 有啲 printer 洗完後第一張 print out 會花, 可再 print 試試

3. 買枝原裝墨或代用墨(重點係要新的墨盒), 要花錢但無辦法, 舊墨盒個噴咀已經到期. 無得救.
2013-01-19 10:02 pm

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