可否幫幫忙看看這篇短文那裡需要修改呀? 謝謝

2013-01-19 11:33 am
作為一個Reentry學生, 這次的申請給了我一個完全不同的感覺, 在申請的過程中, 過往在的大學的生涯, 經歷和同學之間的交流一一在我腦海中閃現出來. 過往同學間的互相合作令到我在這兩年團體工作上的效率有了很大的提高. 校園裏親切關懷的傳递給了我空閒時當義工的使命. 由我2011年停學起, 我找了兩份工作, 這兩份工作都是在賭場裏的. 在工作的過程中, 我常常被同事或朋友問我相同的一個問題, 為什麼你只是差那麼的一點點就可以畢業你都不去完成它, 的確我確實距離畢業相當之近. 但因為家中的一些突如其來的事令到我不得不暫時放棄學業. 放棄學業是困難的決定. 因為它是我人生中還沒完成的一樣重要的事情. 人的一生, 往往會有各種各樣的遺憾, 但從工作中我慢慢發覺人不應該輕易放棄去追逐那些還未完成的遺憾, 而我這次就是要為我兩年前所留下的遺憾而努力去離補.

As a reentry applicant, my feeling of the application in this time is completely different than the first time I had applied. All of the detailed things in the past are recalled on my mind, like how much time I spent in libraries, the unforgettable experience on campus, and the interaction of classmates of different nationalities. The spirit of team work that I had learnt through presentation projects was the most precious experience that I am able to use effectively in my job since I was involved in the society. The delivery of tender solicitude from the university gave me the positive concept that I become a volunteer in Macao on the spare time . From the drop out of university in 2011, I have found two different kind of jobs related to the gambling industry which is the livelihood of Macau. The question that was kept asking from colleagues and friends all the time. Why have you not graduated before getting into the career life? Indeed I was so closed to get the diploma; However, something terrible happened and the financial issue from my family which the only thing I could do was to quit the university first. The decision of temporary drop out of university was really difficult to make because it was one of the most important things was unfinished yet in my life. Life was full of regrets. However, I realized I was not supposed to be easily given up by chasing the unfinished regret. Therefore this time I will try as best as I can to make up my academic target.

各位幫幫忙, 看看那裡有地方需要修改, 謝謝

回答 (2)

2013-01-19 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As an re-entry applicant, the process of application gives off a completely different feeling from the first. This time, I am no longer overwhelmed by the nervousness or excitement I had when applying to different universities. Instead, in its place were memories of the campus life I once had while attending this university. (1) The seemingly endless hours of studying at the library, the interaction amongst my fellow classmates, and the spirit of teamwork that I had learned through group projects were some of the most precious moments I had gained. The tender and caring environment that I encountered at the university motivated me to become a volunteer in Macao. (2) The values of teamwork that I had learned at the university became one of my greatest assets for working in the society.

Since I left the university in 2011, I have found two different jobs in the gambling industry. However, during the entire process of working, my friends and colleagues frequently asked me the same question: "you were so close to graduating, why did you choose to drop out and get a job instead?" Indeed, I was very close to getting my dploma. However, due to financial difficulties within my family, I had no choice but no withdraw from the university. The decision to discontinue my education was a difficult one to make because it would mean that one of the most important things in my life would be left uncompleted. Life is full of regrets, I told my myself at that time. However, after indulging myself in work, I came to realize that important things in life should not be easily given up on. Therefore this time, if I am re-admitted to the university, I will try my best to achieve my academic targets.

2013-01-19 12:40:22 補充:
(1) Might want to switch "this university" with the name of the place you're applying to.
(2) maybe include why it motivated you to become a volunteer... to pass on that feeling of warmth you gained at the university? ...maybe
參考: Native Speaker
2013-01-20 1:41 am
As a reentry applicant, my feeling towards the application this time is completely different from the first time. Tiny little memories in the past, like how much time I had spent in libraries, the unforgettable experiences on campus, and the interaction between classmates of different nationalities. The spirit of team work that I had learnt through presentation projects is the most precious experience for me to use effectively in my job since I have stepped into the society. The delivery of tender solicitude from the university influenced me to become a volunteer in Macao during spare time . Since the drop out of university in 2011, I have found two different kinds of jobs related to the gambling industry which has been the livelihood of Macau. "Why haven't you graduated before getting into the career life?" was a question that have been asked by my colleagues and friends all the time. Indeed I was so close to get the diploma; However, something terrible happened and due to the financial issue of my family, the only thing I could do was to quit the university first. The decision of my temporary drop out of university was really difficult to make because it was one of the most important things yet to be finished in my life. Life was full of regrets. However, I realized I was not supposed to give up chasing the unfinished regret easily. Therefore, I will try as best as I can to make up my academic target this time.
參考: My own knowledge upon the English Language

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