Why is there still a drain tube in my cat's abscess?

2013-01-18 3:29 pm
I recently to my cat to the vet after I noticed a nasty abscess under his chin. The vet gave him the normal check up and gave him his shots. He said that he would need to keep my cat overnight to sedate him to drain the abscess. I signed the permission form and wished for my baby to get well. The next day, I called to see if he was finished and they told me he was ready to be picked up. I picked him up and put him in his own room when I got home. The vet also gave me an amoxcillin treatment to give my cat by mouth twice a day. He's been doing fine since the surgery, but today I noticed his wound and I saw the stitches and the drain tube was still there. Is this tube supposed to stay in after surgery or were they supposed to remove it? If it's supposed to stay in, does it fall out later on it's own?

回答 (2)

2013-01-18 3:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The drain is left in so the wound can heal. The vet needs to remove it but he may chose to leave it in for a good week.
Call your vet to get better discharge instructions.
參考: foster mom of cats/kittens
2013-01-19 1:35 am
Yes, it's supposed to be there. Abscesses need to heal from the inside out, and without the drain tube it would just seal up again and become reinfected. The vet will remove it when it's time - it should be on your discharge instructions. If not, then call to ask and schedule the appointment for it's removal.
參考: many years of cat rescue

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:59:03
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