Mercury con Mercury transit: Mind racing?

2013-01-17 7:20 pm
Is this a common thing associated with this transit?

回答 (1)

2013-01-21 12:58 am
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Yes having a racing mind can very well happen with a TR Mercury conjunct Natal Mercury. You don't mention your sign of Mercury as some signs really 'take off' when in Mercury because Mercury is how we communicate and how we think.

Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury so these two signs in particular would 'accelerate' during a Mercury Transit. Remember though that this is a super-quick transit as it only takes 88 days for Mercury to revolve around our Sun. So just for a day or two would you 'feel' this increased mental energy.

Some really awesome things happen during this transit though such as the constant flow of thoughts that are more easily expressed, particularly in speaking and writing. Words flow into sentences and paragraphs become 'pages.' The brain is fused with the motor skills so typing is better and anything for that matter which requires hand-eye coordination.

There also might be some insomnia too because ones mind racing doesn't help ones sleep. But on the whole things just 'come together' more easily at this time. Great for getting bills written and emails returned. "Speed" is enhanced on many levels during this transit.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33

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