How does a Taurus woman get back with a Virgo man?

2013-01-16 11:21 pm
I was in an amazing relationship with a Virgo man, and I really want him back. He broke up with me for no real reason, and that drove me nuts. I gave him a few days of no contact, and he was finally able to open up to me, the reasons why he broke up with me are because I stretched the truth a few times and he mentally recorded them all. He has trust issues, and he basically feels like he cant trust me anymore. I am an honest person though, the things he was talking about was stuff I was doing to make him like me more. He says we can be friends, but I don't want that. I really want him back. What can I say/do?! Please help, I feel like I was falling in love, and now he's not mine anymore.

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2013-01-18 8:38 pm
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Stretching the truth isn't healthy for any relationship. Taurus are usually straight-shooters and stick to the truth. I think you were trying to impress him maybe so that he would think 'more' of you? Well for whatever reason you've got to 'prove' to your Virgo Guy that you ARE worthy of his trust.

Virgo is a mutable mode sign which means that Virgo is changeable. Taurus is a fixed mode sign that means that you are stubborn. Once you have made up your mind you aren't going to give up that's for sure.

Nothing speaks louder than your behavior. So at this time you have got to give this guy the 'full treatment' and that will begin with an apology. And then you just have to be yourself. Your genuine self.

Tell him you have made a huge mistake and that it won't happen again. Ask him over for dinner as the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Or invite him out to a restaurant and you pay. Men 'think' better on a full stomach. So try this much used way to get him back into your life.

And in the future remember that it is important to be your genuine self at all times because you are worthy and deserving of true love. And if this relationship doesn't work out then this Virgo Guy isn't your mate in this lifetime.

So if all else fails, know that when one door closes another door always opens. I wish you the best and remember that sometimes the 'worst' things can end up being the 'best' things.

Hope this is helpful to you and go out and find your real mate because you are worthy and deserving of love and nobody should have to beg for love. Remember this and never settle. And Virgos are tough to live with too because of all that attention to detail. And they aren't that emotional either and this is probably why he hasn't forgiven you as of now.

Good luck and bless you too and I wish you well. With Virgo Guy OR Without Virgo Guy.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-16 11:27 pm
Apologize to him, and stop trying to make him like you more. You stretched the truth. You say you're honest, but your actions speak louder than your words. If you want his trust you have to earn it.
2013-01-16 11:26 pm
Dang you messed up now, Virgos can be paranoid too. I don't think it's possible once you break a Virgo's trust
2016-03-08 5:37 pm
Yes for both are earth signs, stable, cautious and a good relation. But the critic side of virgo can cause a problem for taurus is sensual and soft.
2014-08-19 3:48 am
Have you already tried out Pull Your Ex Back process? Start at this site : . This may completely guide everyone!

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