Complete sentences

2013-01-17 12:52 am

Read the following sentences. Write (Y) if the sentences is complete and (N) if it is not. Then rewrite the incomplete sentences into complete sentences. You may need to add your own ideas to express a complete thought.

1. We understand the inconvenience caused to you
2.Further information available on our website
3.Lots of changes due to the annual review
4.The error putting our firm in a difficult position, as we had to make some emergency purchases.
5.Regarding your enquiry on the clearance sale.

回答 (2)

2013-01-18 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. We understand the inconvenience we have caused to you. [cause這個詞本身已經有導向意思,所以只有中文人因為語法上要寫出是「對你的影響或效果」這種中文轉成的英文以為才對,英語人永遠沒有cause to這句法的]。多口講多一樣Thank you是多謝你,Thank(s) to you是多得你唔少(被你所害)。因此唔係「乜了對方」都係用to you的。
2. Further information is available on our website.
3. Lots of changes are due to the annual review.
4. The error was putting our firm in a difficult position, as we had to make some emergency purchases.
5. Regarding your enquiry on the clearance sale, (逗號)未完-還有下句下文,無得改這句可以成為完整句,請你自己加後句,例:it is only for this weekend only.
2013-01-28 2:06 am
Whereas as "We caused to you some inconvenience."is wrong, "We understand the inconvenience caused to you." is correct.

2013-01-27 18:06:44 補充:
But its meaning is not the same as "We understand the inconvenience we have caused you." because the inconvenience could be caused by us or other people.

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