College application for international students?

2013-01-16 12:44 am
I am planning to apply for college in the States in the coming year as an international student. I was an exchange student to ohio three years ago and got a year-long GPA of 3.11 / 4. I took the SAT when I was a freshman scored roughly 1300. I am going to re-take the SAT again and hopefully achieving somewhere between 1400-1500. I will be taking the TOEFL this month too. And I would like to apply for the law faculty in one of the large colleges in the States.

Here's my questions.

Is there any possibilities that I can be enrolled with such a low score?
What will be the procedures for applying?
Is there any colleges that enroll a large number of international students?
What would be the general requirement?

That's the questions that I can think of at the time being. Would anyone sincerely answer my question will be very much appreciated. Thank you for your help!

P.S. I have the following qualifications, would these help?
1. Head Prefect in school (I monitored the rule and order of my school with over 1000 students)
2. National Chess tournament in 2010, 40th place
3. Ohio State Chess Championship, 13th place
4. Coach, Referee and Black belt qualification in Taek Won Do
5. Boys Overall Champion in athletic meet

Although I am pretty sure to get over 750 in maths, I kinda sucks in English having no idea how well I can do in the SAT. I am also taking the TOEFL to support my "unsatisfactory score" in English. Would that help?

回答 (2)

2013-01-16 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should start at a community college. Universities don't accept applicants with a score of 1300 on the SAT.
2013-01-16 12:58 am
No US college has a large international student population. If you find one with over 10% you will be lucky.
YOU can go on any US university's web site to see requirements, how to apply, an online application, and costs. all will have an international student office you can email.

You need to get that SAT score way up. at least 1500

Law: can not be studied as an undergrad. It is a Grad school. You must have a four year Bachelor degree, then take the LSAT to apply. Law school is very difficult and another 3 year. then you would need to take the Bar exam to practice law. Not all states allow international student to take the Bar exam. there is an over abundance of lawyers in the US. do not expect to get a job here. and what would US law do for you anywhere else?

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 12:40:10
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