first derivative of f(x) = {sqrt (5x) cos [(e^-x/x)^2]}^pi?

2013-01-14 11:53 pm
find f'(x) of f(x) = {sqrt (5x) cos [(e^-x/x)^2]}^pi

thx a lot

回答 (1)

2013-01-15 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
What sort of function is that anyway? Even wolframalpha couldn't be bothered graphing it.

lets start from the inside, lets rewrite as f=(g.h)^π where g=sqrt (5x) and h=cos [e^(-2x)/x^2]
here g'=(sqrt(5)/(2sqrt(x))
and if we think of h=cos(m) where m=e^(-2x)/x^2
then h'=-m'sin(m)
use the quotient rule to find m'
so putting it all together we ought to get
should be
=π{sqrt (5x) cos [e^(-2x)/x^2]}^(π-1)*..

which can probably be simplified somewhat but stuff it, if they're going to give you a gross question, give em a gross answer.

Also sorry about the line breaks, it wasn't displaying the whole line.

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