
2013-01-14 4:20 pm
我想改一個基督徒英文名,我要A字頭 or B 字頭 的基督徒英文名在美國較為common
如果沒有基督徒英文名在美國較為common ,我想找A字頭 or B 字頭的英文名在美國較為common

回答 (5)

2013-01-14 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Abraham亞伯拉罕:名字的意思是 「眾人的父Aaron亞倫:名字的意思是:「光照」 「山中居人、甚高、開明的」Baasha巴沙:名字的意思是:「進攻」"勇敢"Ahab亞哈:名字的意思是:「叔父」「父親的兄弟」Ahaziah亞哈謝:名字的意思是:」耶和華抓住「「神養活的,主所有的」Abijah亞比雅:名字的意思是:「耶和華是父親」「光明之父」「耶和華即父親」Athaliah亞他利亞:名字的意思是:「神是強壯的」「讚揚耶和華Amaziah亞瑪謝:名字的意思是:「耶和華有力量」(並非完全邪惡)Ahaz亞哈斯:名字的意思是:「佔有者」Amon亞們:名字的意思是:「建造者」Asa亞撒:名字的意思是:「醫生」Asaph亞薩:名字的意思是:「搜集者Balaam巴蘭:名字的意思是:「毀來」「貪食者」Amos阿摩司:名字的意思是:「有重擔的人」Adam亞當:名字的意思是:「紅人」「人,屬土的」
2013-01-15 11:32 am
我想你是女性, 原因發問者:Angela ~ Angela 是女性名
基督徒女性英文名A字頭與B字頭 ~ Anna 與 Bernice

ANNA \a(n)-na\ as a girl's name is pronounced AN-ah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Anna is "He (God) has favored me".

There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel… 路加福音 2:36

BERNICE \b(e)-rni-ce, ber-nice\ as a girl's name is pronounced ber-NEECE. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Bernice is "victory bringer"

A few days later King Agrippa and Bernice arrived at Caesarea…. 使徒行傳 25:13


2013-01-15 1:58 am
Variant spellings and Christain forms are given.Short forms and pet names follow the Common first Male Christian name Christian church, faith,religion connected with the Christian sector of American cities,with the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ were the Christian Science of America.
Male names:-Aaron, Abraham, Adam, Alexander, Alasdair, Arnold, Arthur.
For letter B:-
Barry, Basil, Benjamin, Bernard(Shaw)=Bernie, Billy (Gram)=Bill, Brian=Bryan,
2013-01-14 7:30 pm
參考: 根據中美出版中心的萬用英文手冊
2013-01-14 7:17 pm
actually, mary a, john a , paul a...... is more common. I think no saint's 英文名is a...... or b......^^^^^^^because : st mary, st john, st paul , st francis,
參考: myself

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