緊急!!! UK Uni choice

2013-01-14 1:17 pm
我DSE 333 444
而家讀EF Foundation 想讀BSc Environmental Geography 但係唔係太識選擇邊間U請問York Exeter Leicester Liverpool Reading Sheffield Sussex Brighton Coventry Manchester Keele Dundee Swansea Leeds Cardiff 邊間好?我應該點選擇?

回答 (1)

2013-01-14 4:00 pm
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halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 請問邊間英國大學讀Geography好?

>> 其實要睇番你既成績係點樣樣既. 但係因為你而家讀緊foundation, 好多top 既大學都係唔睇foundation 既, 所以你既choice 會再少一d, 而家以你而家俾出黎既呢幾間去睇. 如果你係aim 番hk 做既野既話, 我唔會考慮佢係geog 既ranking 係點, 而會去睇下到底佢地既overall ranking 係點既.

>> 如果你apply ucas, 係有5個choice, 我會建議你放2間好, 2間中等, 1間唔係太好既做choice, 等自己有backup. 如果係2間比較好既話, 我會揀york 同reading. 而2間中等既我會揀liverpool 同leicester, 而1間做backup 既話, 我會揀exeter/sheffield, 其他果d, either 佢係hk 冇人聽過 (swansea 丫, dundee 果d, 你未黎英國之前應該都未聽過, 就莫講話番到hk 有冇人聽過了), 又或是係個ranking 不太高.

>> 希望幫丁你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

2013-01-15 04:11:06 補充:
I have chosen Exeter Reading Liverpool Brighton Swansea . Any suggestions ?

>> 呢個combination 都ok 既, 但如果我係你,我會換走swansea, 因為係hk 真係冇咩人識.

Actually what are the offers depend on ? or any other good choice ?

>> depends on 你個foundation 分, 好多大學require 65 - 70% 以上.

2013-01-15 09:01:22 補充:
I think in that case, you are choosing Swansea as your safe choice. I can imagine your predicted % may not be that high. so I guess Reading and Brighton can act as the two good ones, exeter and liverpool are the medium ones. Then no need to replace as leicester and sheffield are similar in ranking
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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