Will my disabled brother get into heaven? (christian point of view)?

2013-01-13 1:01 pm
Hi there ^^ I hope you have had a blessed day, and please take a few moments to answer a question :)
Well I was a Muslim, but I converted to Christianity a few months ago, my whole family is Muslim and they don't know about my conversion but oh well ^.^
The thing im worried about is that my brother has been disabled since the age of 3 months :( and it would break my heart if he went to hell :( and the same with my parents, I don't want them to go hell especially my mum, because she's such a nice person....is there a chance I will meet her and my dad in heaven??? Please pray so they find the truth, and please pray for my brother, so he can be healed...his name is Ejaz :)
Thanks in advance *-*

My brother can't talk or anything..


There are so many wonderful answers, and I apreciate it sooooo much ^^ But now I don't know who to choose as best answer :'( I would like to choose everybody but I can't :-/

回答 (24)

2013-01-13 6:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you brother has the qualities of a living creature that has no means of understanding its actions and so your brother will not go to Hell!
You have problems and issues and you may be be one that may suffer.
2013-01-13 1:06 pm
This is not an answer you want to hear but no. Christianity and Islam are mutually exclusive in the sense that if you believe in one you will burn in the hell of the other provided the other party is right. But that is the best part we have so far ZERO evidence of a Heaven or a Hell. This is not meant to mock you but to wake you up to facts. You believe in a religion that burns people of other religions even if they have not heard of yours. For me I do not believe an almighty all loving being would punish me for using my own intellect that he/she gave me.

Well then there is also a common argument that Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in the same god. But if that is so why bother naming or affiliating themselves to a particular religion? They all have fundamental differences, especially since the Jews do not believe in a Hell at least not all of them
參考: Being alive
2013-01-13 1:08 pm
The only way to be accepted into heaven is to believe in Jesus, and to know Him. This applies to your family too.

Congratulaions on finding the truth :) Im so pleased for you!!

God Bless.
2013-01-13 1:12 pm
Here's a suggestion:
Take a small box, put some glue on the inside bottom, drop in half a dozen pair of dice, tape the box shut, and give it a shake.
Let it sit for a day. The glue will keep the dice from moving.

Ask your Muslim friends and relatives to pray that Allah will reveal to them, what the total number of dots on the top of the dice add up to.

Have your Christian friends pray to Jesus, asking the same question.

Have them write down the answers, and open the box.

If one group has the right answer, they are the group with a God which hears prayers, which Knows All Things, and which CARES enough to answer prayers.

That's the group to which you should pledge your loyalty, time, energy, and money.

If both groups are wrong, consider becoming some sort of open-minded agnostic.
參考: Either the Gods do know and do care, or they do not.
2013-01-14 9:24 pm
The Lord knows your worries about your lovely family and He wants them to be with you in heaven. One day you will have to tell them you are a Christian, and Jesus will prepare their hearts to believe you are sincere in your new faith. Through you, your family can come to know the Lord Jesus. It won`t be easy and it may not be immediate but the Lord will open their hearts. Even your little brother can know Jesus in his heart.
I pray for healing for him and salvation for your family.
Every blessing.
2013-01-13 1:46 pm
The Bible doesn't actually teach that a person goes to heaven or hell!
The message that God gives is that:
1. His son, Jesus, will return to earth
2. People who have already died will be raised
3. Everyone will be judged (either accepted by God's grace to live forever or they will then die forever)
4. Jesus and God will restore the world into a perfect place.

The Bible describes the sort of people who will be in the kingdom - those who try to imitate God's character. The Bible says that "this is life eternal: to know God and Jesus Christ, whom he sent." This means that we need to know about God and his son, Jesus (their character, God's plan for the world, how he wants us to live, etc.). The Bible also teaches that baptism is necessary to be saved.

When we truly know Christ and God, we will admit that Jesus is Christ, be baptised and live a life that reflects our faith. No person can say who will be in God's kingdom but Jesus does say that we need to have "the faith of a child". It is often true that we can complicate things because we don't want to believe the truth but God wants people who can have faith.

Jesus clearly showed love to people with disabilities when he lived on earth (he healed hundreds of people) and we know that God "desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2v4).

I would suggest you read the bible carefully for yourself, ask lots of questions and talk about what you find with other people including your family. Let them know why you believe what you do. You each need to develop an personal faith in God and his plan for the world.
2013-01-13 1:35 pm
If somebody has a mental disability they usally have the mentality of a child and Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven (the church) will consist of those who are like little children (Matt 18:1-4; Matt 19:14). These passages in themselves do not necessarily teach the sinlessness of children. However, when taken with such passages as Jeremiah 31:30 ("But every one shall die for his own iniquity.") and Ezekiel 18 ("the soul that sinneth, it shall die." Verse 2) we can see that children who can not know the difference between right and wrong are not held as guilty of sin. As such, they are not in need of repentance and salvation as we are... If we know mentally handicapped people we should not despise them, but tell them about the Lord Jesus Christ, urge them to receive the Gospel, pray for their healing and help them with what we can. God help us so!
2013-01-13 1:48 pm
I congratulated you finally you have found the LIGHT and the TRUTH.
Since your brother was disable . He committed no sins, his soul is perfectly clean. That is why he will go to Heaven.

In other to know how the Universe work ,You need to understant and look at the Heaven from diference perspective. Of cause GOD is very highly intelligence spiritual Being which is made up of Light/ Darkness and Energy, Matter and Anti-matter, Negative and Positive Forces, Yin & Yang. GOD are just like us, because we were made in his image. The energies in our Bodies are equal and opposite in order for us to exist. It 's up to our heart to chose which side will you follow. LIGHT or DARKNESS, GOOD or BAD, POSITIVE or NEGATIVE FORCES, TRUTH or LIAR and so on....
2013-01-13 1:37 pm
Only god says who gets to go to heaven
but the bible promises
“He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”—Revelation 21:4
“The lame one will climb up just as a stag does.”—Isaiah 35:6
“The eyes of the blind ones will be opened.”—Isaiah 35:5
“All those in the memorial tombs will . . . come out.”—John 5:28, 29
“No resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”—Isaiah 33:24
“There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth.”—Psalm 72:16
these are just a few prophecies mentioned for the future
參考: b
2013-01-13 1:23 pm
Good to hear that you've founded and converted to the true religion
I am the way the truth and the light no one goes to my father except through me
In the above verse Jesus clearly stated that there is no way to heaven without believing in him
you should help your family
dont let them end up without knowing the truth and without being saved
its really not a hard thing to do
but you must willingly want to do it
if you really want to help them email me at [email protected] and ill tell you how you should do that there
and if you also have any question or need any help understanding something about Christianity i can also help you with that
hope i helped :)
ill be waiting for your email
2013-01-13 1:16 pm
Not because of his disability. God give disabilities to people to help them and to teach them and others. People with disabilities are far less likely to be greedy and selfish, more likely to get to Heaven! Also because we Pray to God more not only for th extra help we need, but to help others more.
We can also see in ways regular people can not. Decades ago I went to a nursing school and graduated it top of my class. When I went to the hospital to train there was man that had been there for four years, that eight doctors had Not been able to help at all. I had him healed and ready to go home in ten days! Because I could see in directions/farther; yet the perfect doctors could not~
No where in the Bible dose it say a disability stops one from getting to Heaven. When Jesus was asked why some were so; Jesus said many were just so he could heal them!
We will Not meet them in Heaven or know that we have. The Bible states that we will NOT know who we had been on earth.
Why don't you watch "The Lazarus Phenomenon" on DVD or FREE over the Internet? It is about "Life After Death". See what has happened to millions and millions of people that have died, been confirmed dead by a medic, and came back to life.
I think there is a place in the Bible that says IF a baby died young their sole would be given another life. I do not recall where? If your brother is so severely handicapped, he may be given another life?
參考: Bible, life

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