
2013-01-13 10:22 pm
What is the english of"穩定"

回答 (8)

2013-01-13 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
穩定的, 牢固的; 平穩的

1. 穩固的, 平穩的
2. 穩定的, 不變的
3. 堅定的; 紮實的, 可靠的
4. 鎮靜的, 沈著的, 從容的
2017-01-30 12:24 pm
2013-01-14 10:14 pm
1. They are eager to stabilize currencies.
他們急於穩定貨幣.2. His blood pressure tended to stabilize.
他的血壓趨向穩定.3. People with epilepsy and similar diseases can take pills to stabilize their condition.
癲癇病和類似疾病患者可吃藥丸穩定病情.4. It was useless to try to'stabilize the dying reactionary situation. "
試圖穩定垂死的反動局面是徒勞的.5. Note the armboard used to stabilize ankle.
1. All other considerations are subordinate to our need for steady profits.
比起我們需要穩定的利潤來說,其他需要考慮的事都是次要的.2. Buyers cleared the day's cattle run at steady rates.
買主以穩定的價格買光了這一天牽到集市來的牲口.3. A steady light beaconed from the tower.
一道穩定的光線從燈塔上指引著.4. But the pay is decent - - Not great, but decent, and steady.
但是報酬不錯,不算特別優厚, 可是相當不錯, 而且穩定.5. Demand for industrial salt is steady and predictable.
工業鹽需求是穩定且可預測的。for maintaining steady output voltage.
The prices of the commodities are quite stable this year.
今年各種物價相當穩定.2. He was not emotionally stable enough to think through his decision.
他情緒不夠穩定,不能清楚地考慮他的決定.3. The stable situation of our country today was hard won.
我們今天穩定的形勢是來之不易的.4. Mentally she's very stable.
她情緒十分穩定.5. We need a stable government.
我們需要一個穩定的政府.6. Carbon steels exist in three stable crystalline phases.
碳素鋼含有3種穩定的結晶狀態.7. The supply is ample and prices are stable.
供應充沛,物價穩定.8. Prices are stable and the market is brisk.
物價穩定,市場繁榮.9. Prices remain stable throughout.
物價始終保持穩定.10. Markets are flourishing and prices are stable.
2013-01-14 9:29 pm
The English for "穩定" can be "stable" or "steady", depending on the context.

A surgeon requires steady hands. 一個外科醫生需要穩定的手。
The patient is now in stable condition. 病人現時情況穩定。
2013-01-14 6:09 am

stable ( adjective) stability (noun)
steady (adjective ) steadiness ( noun)
2013-01-14 1:20 am
---stable (adj)
eg:-Make sure the transition is stable for HongKong.
eg:-A stable relationship established between HK--China!
eg:-Mentally, she's not very stable in Hospital.
eg:-The patient's condition is stable.
2013-01-13 10:42 pm
形容詞 stable : 穩定, 穩, 安定, 穩固, 定, 堅固 steady : 穩定, 平穩, 穩健, 穩, 穩重, 堅定 stabilizing : 穩定 動詞 stabilize : 穩定, 安定
2013-01-13 10:27 pm

字典1. (使穩定) stabilize; steady: 穩定經濟 stabilize the economy; 穩定通貨 stabilize currency; 穩定物價 stabilize commodity prices; price stabilization; maintain prices at a stable level; 穩定貨幣流通 stabilize the circulation of money; 穩定情緒 set sb.'s mind at rest; reassure sb.; 使船隻重新穩定下來 steady a boat again2. (穩固安定) stable; steady: 情緒穩定 be in a calm, unruffled mood; 穩定的步伐 a steady pace; 穩定的多數 a stable majority; 不穩定的國際金融市場 a shaky international monetary market3. (物質的性能不易改變的作用) stabilization; stationary; equilibrium; [天文學] immobile◇穩定貨幣 stable currency; 穩定劑 stabilizing agent; stabilizer; stabilizator; 穩定計 stabilimeter; 穩定價格 price stabilization; 穩定平衡 stable equilibrium; 穩定期 [微生物學] stationary phase; 穩定器 stabilizer; stabilizator; regulator; smoother; reactor; 穩定液 stabilizing solution; 穩定翼 stabilizer; 穩定狀態 stable state; 穩定作用 stabilization

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