*20分)急求: 翻譯 中文~轉 英文字句" 答中有最佳

2013-01-13 7:54 pm
*20分)急求: 翻譯 中文~轉 英文字句" 答中有最佳

1. 你來了香港多久?

2.你喜歡到香港哪一個地方遊覽 ?


4. 你好,想和你做一個關於旅遊的訪問 ^......^?未知可否找你接受訪問呢? .................謝謝

5. 你喜歡搭哪一種交通工具?

6. 哪一個地方,你最難忘? 為什麼?

SORRY>..............................................忘了問.. *********************** 如何向外國遊客介紹 { 7. { 我們正進行一份英文功課, 想為您作一個暱於旅遊香港的訪問....可以嗎? 8. { 多謝你的參與..我會非常感激你, 祝你在香港有一個愉快的旅程....!!!

回答 (6)

2013-01-27 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 你來了香港多久?
1.How long have you been in Hong Kong?

2.Which do you like to tour in Hong Kong?

3.What kind of impression does Hong Kong give to you?

4. 你好,想和你做一個關於旅遊的訪問 ^......^?未知可否找你接受訪問呢? .................謝謝
4.Hello, would like a tourist visit and you do wonder whether looking for you to interview? ... Thank you

5. 你喜歡搭哪一種交通工具?
5.Do you like to ride what kind of transport?

6.哪一個地方,你最難忘? 為什麼?
6.What a place to make you the most memorable? Why?

7.我們正進行一份英文功課, 想為您作一個暱於旅遊香港的訪問....可以嗎?
7.We are conducting an English homework, want to access on travel to Hong Kong as a nickname for you .... can it?

8.多謝你的參與..我會非常感激你, 祝你在香港有一個愉快的旅程....!!!
8.Thank you for your participation, I will be very grateful to you, I wish you a pleasant journey!

2013-01-28 10:36:45 補充:
2013-01-27 8:39 pm
You come to Hong Kong, how long?

2 Do you like to tour which?

Hong Kong to give you what impression?

Hello, and you want to make a tourist visit ^ ...... ^? Unknown could find you interview? ................. Thank you

5 Do you like to ride what kind of transportation?

6 Which places your most memorable? Why?

7 We are an English-language homework, want to access on travel to Hong Kong as a nickname for you .... can it?

8 I would like to thank you for your participation .. I will be very grateful to you, I wish you a pleasant journey in Hong Kong ....!!
2013-01-13 9:44 pm
1. how long did you come to Hong Kong?

2. do you like to which local tours in Hong Kong?

3. give you an impression of how Hong Kong?

4. Hello, want to talk to you about travel visit ^......^? will the unknown do you interview? ................. Thank you

5. use what kind of transport do you like?

6. a certain place, your most memorable? Why is that?

7.{we are an English lesson, would like to offer you a close access to the tourism in Hong Kong. ... Will you?

8.{thank you for your participation ... I would be very grateful to you and wish you a pleasant journey in Hong Kong ....!!!
2013-01-13 9:34 pm
1. 你來了香港多久?
How long have you come to Hong Kong?

2.你喜歡到香港哪一個地方遊覽 ?
Which place do you like visiting most?

Hong Kong gives you what kind of impression?

4. 你好,想和你做一個關於旅遊的訪問 ^......^?未知可否找你接受訪問呢? .................謝謝
Hello, I am conducting a survey about travelling in Hong Kong, can you help me to finish a questionnarie? Thank you.

5. 你喜歡搭哪一種交通工具?
Which transportation do you like most?

6. 哪一個地方,你最難忘? 為什麼?
Where is the most unforgettable place in Hong Kong?

7. 我們正進行一份英文功課, 想為您作一個暱於旅遊香港的訪問....可以嗎?
We are doing a English homework about travelling in Hong Kong. Can you help us to finish a questionnarie? Thank you.

8. 多謝你的參與..我會非常感激你, 祝你在香港有一個愉快的旅程....!!!
Thank you for your help. Hope you have a memorable experience in Hong Kong.

2013-01-13 15:54:12 補充:
我自己釋ga.唔係用translator甘cheap ga
參考: 選我做最佳plz.
2013-01-13 8:55 pm
1. How long did you came to Hong Kong?

2. What place did you like to visit in Hong Kong?

3. How did you think about Hong Kong?

4. Hello, can I ask you some questions about tourism?......Thank you.

5. Which transport did you like to take?

6. What place give you the most memorable memory and why?


2013-01-13 14:33:33 補充:
7. We need to do a English homework, can I ask you some question about Hong Kong's trip.

8. Thank you for your participate. I hope you have a joyful journey in Hong Kong.

2013-01-13 14:35:22 補充:
7. We need to do an English homework, can I ask you some question about Hong Kong's trip.
We have an English homework, can I ask you some question about Hong Kong's trip.
參考: myself
2013-01-13 8:34 pm
1.You have come to Hong Kong how long?

2.Do you like the tour to Hong Kong where?

3.Hong Kong to give you the impression of what bkind?

4.Hello,I would like you to do a tourism visit.Unknoen could find you interview?
..................Thank you.

5.Do you like to travel what kind of transportation?

6.That you are the most memorable?Why?
參考: 英漢字典

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