
2013-01-13 8:51 am
請問一下, 其實印度有冇保障婦女既法律架?
因為小女唔係好明究竟印度係冇呢D法律, 定係D法律太多漏洞?

同埋想問下D 發達國家各自有乜野憲法黎保障婦女架? 可唔可以列舉D比小女參考下?因為小女要打辯論(重要英文果隻) 個範圍係Women rights

回答 (1)

2013-01-13 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1949 November through the words of India Constitution contains not based on gender equality and non-discrimination clause, however if the cadre in clear violation of these principles of the law continues to exist, especially in the field of family law. Most of these laws require extremely discrimination against women terms, they are either unchanged or in a reverse way made modification. India did not make the slightest effort. To change these laws or to develop new constitutional principles of legislation. In fact, it appears that the government of India chose to ignore these principles and to behave as if they do not exist. In India, only after a certain degree of reform of family law is a Hindu family law. Other family law remains unchanged due to political and electoral interests, they denied equality for women. In this state, the only justification is reluctant to interfere, national minority community private matters. In fact, in July 30, 1980 the government of India signed the " Convention on the elimination of all forms " ( hereinafter referred to as " the Convention " for women, which had been unilaterally declared, " on the first paragraph of article fifth and Article 16 paragraph first ... ... The government of India declaration, it shall comply with these terms, without violating the community does not interfere in any private affairs policy, it needs no community suggestions and views. " The government in July 9, 1993, but without any reservation approved the " Convention " of women, this means that India is responsible for implementation of the convention.

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