
2013-01-14 4:28 am

順祝 新年快樂


那個順祝新年快樂是直接翻成happy new year就好了吧?


回答 (6)

2013-01-14 5:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
神秘版大您好, 也讓Panda try try ㄅ! 中英語言有差, 絕不能逐字翻, 不然無法完全表達出你要的意思; 如下: Dear XXX (對方的名字) 對於Tom口中的「人」對我產生了不好的印象我感到抱歉,也感激這個人發現了連我自已都不知道我有「故意不付錢」的這種心態,不好意思讓「人」對我產生了愛占人便宜的印象。 To the person whom Tom mentioned that had a negative image of me, I am both sorry and grateful for his/her discovering something I myself was not even aware of, which is my passiveness in paying; I am very sorry for causing people to see me as someone who likes to take advantage of others. *negative image = 負面印象 *grateful = 感激 *I myself was not even aware of = 連我自已都沒發現 *passiveness in paying = 付錢時很被動 *to take advantage of others = 占人便宜 *第一個 “人”是指 “某個人”, 所以用 “person” (單數), 第二個 “人” 是統稱, 所以用 “people” (複數) 順祝 新年快樂May you have a Happy New Year! Sincerely Yours, XXX (你的名字) 希望有幫助!

2013-01-15 07:33:19 補充:
Hey look who is back! I kinda missed your nagging...

2013-01-15 07:41:16 補充:

To the person whom Tom mentioned that (has) a negative image of me.....
參考: Eat, drink, and sleep English...
2013-01-15 12:30 pm
Dirty panda has a running nose again.
2013-01-15 5:27 am
Pumble Panda

2013-01-14 6:11 pm
About this person Tom mentioned, I am sorry that this person has a bad image of me. I am grateful that this person discovered something about me that I don't even know, that I would deliberately not pay. I am sorry that is person has the impression that I like to take advantage of others.
Wish you a Happy New Year.
2013-01-14 4:27 pm
Tom "person" had a bad impression on me and I feel sorry, even I was grateful this man found himself had no idea that I had "deliberately not paying" mentality, I'm sorry "man" I love cheap impression.
Happy new year from Shun
2013-01-14 5:54 am
To someone:
It's about Tom talk someone that sensations bad image on me, I feel so sorry about that, and I would say appreciat you that I didn't found out my defect that is deliberately not paying by my mind, I'm sorry.
Wish you Happy New Year
By your name

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