
2013-01-13 11:20 pm

回答 (4)

2013-01-14 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
My name is XXX, I was graduate in Feng Jia University of the epartment of Electronics, Because I was space out on my subjects before, Resulting in school dropouts, drop out later I thought a lot, and fianlly suggestions and supporting by my friends and family that I decide to join for re back to school, aftrer I return to school, I face every challenges seriously, in the school that I learned more about Electronics and semiconductor basics, Content of the school curriculum are probably based but strengthened the ability of logical thinking, let me at work more rational way to deal with things, wage work to earn some living expenses during college, working in 50Lan beverage stores most I have something inside working hours of time of nearly two and a half years, so I'm all the way from the work-study students do manager, when the manager this time I learn a store basicoperations, but also to strengthen the ability of personnel management; now, I retired this year, 3/19, your work is just in line with what I expected, you can experience the work of others do not want to experience, my biggest advantage is endurance, even if the standard of living of the Vietnamese side as Taiwan, I believe like me to be patient and to adapt to the other side of life, urge your company to give me this opportunity, let me out of an effort for Formosa Plastics.
參考: by myself
2013-09-24 11:05 pm
哈哈 要喝好喝的奶蓋綠蓋茶
在活動中玩了食字路口 喝到這間超好喝的自創品牌奶蓋茶
而且這間只賣奶蓋喔!比甚麼常去的綠x 奶蓋x好喝太太太太太太多了啦XDDDD
有機會來逢甲一定要去喝看看,而且學姐也是死忠五迷喔 哈哈
2013-01-14 4:29 pm
I of name is xxx, graduated Yu every methyl University electronic Department, because yiqian of I not is seriously in academic Shang, led to dropped out, dropped out Hou wanted to has many, last in friends and the family of recommendations and the support Xia I decided participate in examination again school, school Hou seriously of face own of academic, in school in learn to has some on electronics and the semiconductor, based knowledge, school of courses content may are is based of but is strengthened has I of logic thinking of capacity, let I in work Shang more can orderly to processing things, In University during also has working work earned some living, in work in to in 50 LAN beverage shop most let I has harvest, because in inside work time also has nearly 2.5 years of time, so I way from student do shop long, in Dang shop long of this paragraph time in let I learning to has a between shops of basic trading, also strengthened has I personnel management of capacity; now, I will in this year three-nineteenths retired, your company of work just is meet I by looks forward to of, can experience others does not willing to experience of work, My biggest advantage is that patience, even though Viet Nam beyond subsistence levels rather than Taiwan, I believe I can endure and adapt to life there, ask your company for giving me the opportunity to let me out at Formosa Plastics.
2013-01-14 1:08 am
I of name is xxx, graduated Yu every methyl University electronic Department, because yiqian of I not is seriously in academic Shang, led to dropped out, dropped out Hou wanted to has many, last in friends and the family of recommendations and the support Xia I decided participate in examination again school, school Hou seriously of face own of academic, in school in learn to has some on electronics and the semiconductor, based knowledge, school of courses content may are is based of but is strengthened has I of logic thinking of capacity, let I in work Shang more can orderly to processing things, In University during also has working work earned some living, in work in to in 50 LAN beverage shop most let I has harvest, because in inside work time also has nearly 2.5 years of time, so I way from student do shop long, in Dang shop long of this paragraph time in let I learning to has a between shops of basic trading, also strengthened has I personnel management of capacity; now, I will in this year three-nineteenths retired, your company of work just is meet I by looks forward to of, can experience others does not willing to experience of work, My biggest advantage is that patience, even though Viet Nam beyond subsistence levels rather than Taiwan, I believe I can endure and adapt to life there, ask your company for giving me the opportunity to let me out at Formosa Plastics.

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