Scorpio and Pisces ex-lovers?

2013-01-13 6:41 am
How would the relationship be like for two ex-lovers of the said sun sign?

回答 (2)

2013-01-15 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Scorpio and Pisces are both Water Signs (along with Cancer) and this means that they all have emotional natures (sun). So when a relationship breaks up it is most often tough on these Water Signs because they are so emotionally 'vested' in the relationship. Water Signs give their 'all' in love because love is an emotion. One that we all need in our life.

Both Scorpio and Pisces would probably 'withdraw' from socializing and going out with friends for a while until they felt 'ready' to join the outside world. Scorpio would probably just not feel like going out because Scorpio 'feels' much more than they 'let on' as their feelings are deep and powerful. It's tough on Scorpio to admit 'defeat' too because Scorpio so desires to 'win' and this includes relationships too.

Pisces would probably withdraw longer though because there is a natural tendency for Pisces to withdraw when hurting. I would imagine the cell phone would be ON just in case Scorpio was to call because Pisces, like Cancer, always have a place in their heart for those they have loved even when the love relationship is over. Pisces would probably dwell on the breakup for a long time because Pisces rules infinity and I imagine Pisces would be wandering all over the place having 'infinity' as your 'back yard territory' to roam.

It would do Pisces good to get 'with nature' as Pisces does so much better when they aren't around negative people. And 'trees' are not negative. I imagine many "Tree Huggers" are Pisces as the quiet of nature helps them 'move on' with their life.

I imagine that Scorpio is hurting too but Scorpio has a 'thing' about others seeing them in an emotional state. So Scorpio is probably acting like it isn't that big a deal but inside Scorpio knows that they are hurting. But Scorpio is a proud sign and might stubbornly insist that they are 'over' the Pisces completely even though that isn't the truth.

Scorpio is emotional too (like all the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) but they have a huge mistrust of others so I don't see Scorpio 'announcing' the breakup to many, in fact probably very few would even know if they didn't ask Scorpio how the relationship was going. Scorpio is very secretive about their private life.

So I imagine that both the Scorpio and the Pisces are 'mourning' the end of their relationship each in their own way. Scorpio trying to act like nothing is wrong while Pisces 'cocoons' themselves indoors as it takes Pisces much time to 'let go' of another. Scorpio too for that matter.

Hope this i helpful and good luck and bless you both.
參考: Amethyst33
2016-02-25 10:50 am
he loves you more than anything! trust me! and i8 do not think he is sleeping with other girls, once committed in a very serious relationship, scorpios take it very seriously, and i strongly believe that he did NOT sleep with his ex and other girls, we have a strong view on sex, and only have sex, when we think there is an emotional connection. you think it might have happened with his ex- i doubt that too . . . if its been 2 years . . . he probz hates her guts . . . i know for a fact, he wants you to say all your feelings everything, but he is VERY upset right now, he is heartbroken, he is longing to be with you . . . whatever he agreed on was because he thought you really wanted it . . . scorpios are very insecure, think of them as cancers but with an even harder shell, and much more stronger outside . . . we are also emotional wrecks . . . i do not think he is looking for sex, and do not say that to him either, it wil insult him alot . . . scorpios are very loyal and cannot even think about sex with another person when we have just been hurt or our relationship is in turmoil . . . that relationship is all we think about . . . what happened . . . and we think about it all the time, we even cry when no1 is looking . . . he still loves you . . . he just wants reassurance from you, that your still there, and you love him, have a long conversation, without shouting, and LISTEN to eachother . . . i think the reason why his temper is becoming too much, is becasue either, something is happeneing and no1 knows about it . . . or there is something lacking in the relationship between you to, im just thinking it might be either trust, or lack of communication- the right way . . . or maybe your just behaving in a way that insults his behaviour . . . i dunno . . . but its definitaly something, we do not like arguing with our partners and when we do it hurts us because we just thought "oh my god i just hurt the love of my life" we do think about it, we just sometimes have trouble communicating that, therefore that is why we need some encouragement to jsut get looses and open up our feelings . . . just talk somewhere . . . i suggest somewhere public, like a park . . . have a little picnic, that should ake him smile . . . you say your opinions in your softest voice . . . and tell him exactly how you feel . . . and ask him the same, but have ALOT of patience, give him time to come out . . . and he will . . . tell him what you want to fix in the relationship . . . and ask him the same . . . keep asking questions but not at once, just slowly . . . we scorpios hate getting shouted at, so gentle talks is nice, and we feel all soft inside . . . we are verrrry sensitive and we just want hugs sometimes just to say that we are loved . . . i hope this sort of works . . . sorry about the essay . . . take care x

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