What does my bestfriends birth chart say about her?

2013-01-13 1:32 am
We dont know how to read these things, but can someone tell us something about her? Just for the fun of it? Thanks so much, we appreciate it :)

Name: Maddy
Birthday: June 18, 1996
Birth time: 4:17 am
Birth place: Vorhees Nj

回答 (1)

2013-01-16 10:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Maddy has lots of 'good' aspects which are karmic rewards for something done especially well in a previous lifetime.

Maddy also has some Life Lessons that she is to work on in this lifetime in order to become a better person and to evolve, become a better person.

Our Sun = Our Nature
Gemini Sun is most often quite witty and a great conversationalist with unfortunate mood swings. Since her Gemini Sun makes a hard aspect (square) to Saturn I imagine she isn't as 'jovial' as other Geminis due to this square with Saturn. Saturn means that we have to take personal responsibility where it is placed and somehow her nature (sun) will have to 'work' hard in order to become that happy-go-lucky girl. Saturn square the Sun is an aspect that can be overcome but it doesn't happen overnight.

So I would suggest that you do your best to decide what YOU want to do in this life and then pursue it. Yes it is going to take longer than you expect but once you have assumed personal responsibility in 'improving' your nature, you will receive fabulous rewards. So do what is right. Don't get involved with others that aren't on a good track. And never quit because that is the only way that you can 'fail' the tests of Saturn. Baby steps are better than no steps at all.

So becoming very aware that you are the captain of your ship is the important thing to learn. Stay focused and keep working even when it feels like you are 'standing still.' Because when you overcome Saturn's lessons regarding personal responsibility you will be given some outstanding rewards because you have EARNED every one of them.

The Moon is our emotions. Your Cancer Moon is strong in fact Cancer is the best sign for the moon so this gives you a great ability to care and nurture others

But in life lesson form, there is an opposition from your Moon to Neptune which can 'distort' reality. Sometimes this means that there is substance abuse in the home. Just a thought. In order to overcome this life lesson will improve your relationship with others because there is a tendency to 'not' see things as they really are. The Moon represents our mother so there might be a 'distance' between you two. Just a thought.

But when emotionally upset you have got to make SURE that what you are upset about is actually what is happening. Neptune is our shape-shifter and can make the emotions 'unsure' of what they are feeling. It's kind of like someone telling a joke and you just don't get it. So watch people's behavior instead of listening to what they say and this will help you overcome emotional battles that aren't worth fighting AND also allow you to see things as they really ARE. Tough aspect this one.

She does have Venus conjunct Ascendant which most often gives one beauty. And there is a great ability to speak with honesty (Mercury conjunct Mars) that sometimes can get out of control because Mercury is how we think and Mars is how we fight so try to think first before 'acting' This should also help you overcome this life lesson.

Hope this is helpful and there are plenty of good aspects (sextiles and trines) in this chart but I tend to focus on the life lessons in order to help another evolve to a more loving dimension.

Good luck and bless you both.
參考: Amethyst33

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