Spoiled by one of my leos?

2013-01-12 7:47 pm
Bacon, coffee and american dad ....i am a happy lady. :D

回答 (1)

2013-01-15 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know what you did to be so spoiled by a Leo but it must have been awesome because Leo is the one that usually desires to be spoiled by another. You must give us your secret in your arsenal that makes Leo desire to spoil another.

I often state that Leos don't like to serve others but you certainly have proved me wrong. However it is true that Leo can be very generous to those that they love. So you are obviously very loved by your Leos. Amazing!

And not only do you have ONE LEO to spoil you that there are more Leos spoiling you than just one Leo? You have got to share your secrets!

And I am sure you already know this but for those that don't understand Leo it is always important to never humiliate them or hurt their feelings especially in public! I guess you have this Golden Rule down. As Leos are very generous to those that love them. But one slip-up and it can be "Off With Their Heads!" as Leo is The Royalty of the Zodiac.The Kings and Queens of the Zodiac.

So enjoy your breakfast and show as I know you are one happy lady indeed.

Good luck and bless you and also your wonderful Leos. I wish you all well.
參考: Amethyst33

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