點解ride a train 是錯?

2013-01-13 1:55 am
已說明ride a train是有grammar mistake的
應該改為take a train
請解釋點解ride a train 是錯的
而用take a train 才是正確的

回答 (7)

2013-01-13 4:53 am
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Ride a train
With reference to dictionaries, eg the Free Dictionary (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ride) , 'ride' can be correctly used in a few different ways as a transitive verb.

Ride used as a transitive verb means:
1. To sit on and move in a given direction: e.g.rode a motorcycle to town; ride a horse to the village.2. To travel over, along, or through:e.g. ride the highways.3. To be supported or carried on: e.g.a swimmer riding the waves.
According to 1, a man can ride a horse, a bicycle or motorcycle.
According to 2, one can ride a railway , for example:
"A ticket to ride the new railway isn’t cheap..." (http://www.ubergizmo.com/2012/12/china-introduces-worlds-longest-high-speed-railway/)
According to 3, one can ride a taxi, a bus or a train, for example:
"...another passenger filmed Seppi calmly riding the train.."

Therefore "riding a train" is grammatically correct to be used in English writing.

Take a train
In Free Dictionary, 'keep' as a transitive verb can mean "to choose for one's own use; avail oneself of the use of: e.g.We took a rented car.
"Take a train" therefore means " to choose to use a train to go to a place". Its meaning is different from "ride a train".

2013-01-12 21:01:56 補充:
ride a horse騎馬
ride a railway經鐵路
ride a train乘火車

2013-01-12 21:12:29 補充:
ride a horse騎馬
ride a railway經鐵路
ride a train乘火車

2013-01-12 21:22:42 補充:
Cambridge Dicitionary Online Definition of ride(verb):
to travel in a vehicle, such as a car, bus or train

2013-01-12 21:23:39 補充:
Cambridge Dicitionary Online Definition of ride(verb):
to travel in a vehicle, such as a car, bus or train

2013-01-13 05:59:03 補充:
Some people literally ride a train. See here
2013-01-14 9:14 pm
I agree, "ride a train" is correct, because "ride" = [騎], 或 [乘坐].

I am very curious about why it was cited as being wrong in an English public examination. Would anybody know the exact wording and which examination it was?
2013-01-14 6:06 am
take a train / get on a trian

ride on a bicycle/ ride on a motorbike

take you for a ride /go for a ride = go out in my car

give you a ride / give you a lift = take you home or somewhere in my car.
2013-01-13 9:24 pm
Ge ta tan ti 23
Get A Train 26
參考: Get Answer 23
2013-01-13 6:14 am
you can't ride a train, but you can take a train.
Train is a very big obect, you can't ride on it, but you can take it.
參考: my common sense
2013-01-13 5:03 am
ride a train ~ 沒有錯, 不過是 American English

Ride (verb) = to travel to a place as a passenger on or in (something that is moving, such as a bus, a train, or an elevator)

take a train, travel by train
jump on/get on/aboard/catch a train
make the 6 o’clock train for London.

2013-01-12 21:10:45 補充:
Be careful with this phrase.

Take you for a ride (spoken English) = to trick you, especially in order to get money from you

2013-01-13 02:57:06 補充:
ride 作動詞, 有許多用法, 不單是解 "騎" , 還解 "乘車, 搭坐"
Quote from Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

"ride a. verb
4. to travel in a vehicle, especially as a passenger
(AmE) [VN] to ride the subway, an elevator
She rode the bus to school every day."

ride the train ~ 是對
2013-01-13 2:53 am
我哋只會講 : take you for a ride (带你去遊車河), ride on a bicycle 騎在一架單車上,ride on a horse騎在馬上,如果話ride a train 有點含意是騎在整列火車上,ride 名詞可解乘搭,動詞可解騎上。
至於"採用"take 什麽交通公具,的確是要用 "take" 而不可能用 "ride"的。
可能用太多中文翻釋成英文,就會釋成ride a train. 但英文的一套語法,的確是與中文有別的。
參考: myself

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