一氫氣球 以一輕繩懸吊另一質量為M的物體

2013-01-12 10:18 pm
一氫氣球 以一輕繩懸吊另一質量為M的物體 以等加速度a向下運動 若氣球之浮力不變 欲使氣球以等加速度a向上運動 則應拋棄多少質量的物體

Mg-B=M*a 設拋棄m 所以B-(M-m)*g=(M-m)*a m=2Ma/a+g

回答 (1)

2013-01-13 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let F be the buoyance force
Mg - F = Ma
where g is the acceleration due to gravity

When the balloon is moving upward with acceleration a,
F - M'g = M'a
where M' is the new mass suspended on the balloon

Adding the two equations:
Mg - M'g = Ma + M'a
M'(a + g) = M(g - a)
M' = M(g-a)/(g+a)

Hence, mass that needs to be thrown away
= M - M'
= M - M(g-a)/(g+a)
= 2agM/(g+a)

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 12:50:12
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