
2013-01-12 9:13 pm

回答 (5)

2013-01-13 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
2013-01-13 7:26 pm

Immigrating to Canada permanently is an exciting opportunity. However, there are several things you should consider before you apply to be a permanent resident.

If you want to immigrate to Canada, there are a few different ways to apply. You will need to decide which immigration program will work best for you and your family.


See the requirements and the steps to apply in each category:

•Skilled workers and professionals
For people who want to settle and work in Canada (outside of Quebec)

•Skilled trades
For people who want to immigrate based on being qualified in a skilled trade.

•Quebec-selected skilled workers
For people selected by the Quebec government to settle and work in Quebec

•Canadian Experience Class
For people who have recent Canadian work experience or have graduated and recently worked in Canada

•Investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed people
For people who want to start a business in Canada

•Provincial nominees
One of Canada’s provinces or territories can nominate you to settle and work there

•Sponsoring your family
How to sponsor a family member to join you here if you are a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen

•Live-in caregivers
For individuals who are qualified to provide care for children, elderly persons or persons with disabilities in private homes without supervision

For people in or outside Canada who fear returning to their home country
2013-01-13 3:41 am
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 點樣可以攞到居英/居加權同英國/加拿大公民?

>> 加拿大果邊上面答左你, 我亦唔多講, 但係我知道有好多係hk 既公司係幫人攪加拿大移民既, 所以相信亦比較普遍, 不外於投資移民, 或者係係果邊讀書夠一個日子.

>> 而英國既話, 就難好多了, 之後有說, 如果係英國stay 夠10年, 就可以有居英權 (即係讀書讀10年都計), 但因為而家有太多人用呢個方法 (我自己都係得8年, 仲等緊), 所以英國gov 應該好快會cancel 呢個policy, by the time 你黎得英國10年, 呢個policy 應該已經cancel 左, 所以呢個方法可以唔駛諗.

>>而第2個方法, 就係係英國做野, 做夠5年, 俾夠5年既tax, 就可以apply. 而家好多人都係用呢個方法 (我自己讀完8年書, 而家係英國做緊野, 都係等緊), 同時間, 唔可以係呢5年入面走多過1年. 咁之後就可以做一個叫做life in the uk test, 如果pass 左, 就可以apply 做british citizen. 註, part time 同半工讀唔計. 呢個方法比較多人用, 但係你呢個case, 只係得12, 係唔work, 一黎你未有野做, 呢個或者要等你讀完書先可以睇下點攪.

2) 我媽咪有BNO,家姐係英國讀書有無幫助?

>> 而你屋企人有bno 係對你個application 冇幫忙的, 因為bno 係97年既, 而家已經再bno, 亦唔可以因為你媽媽係有bno 而你去apply bno (而bno 係英國人既眼中, 只係一本foreign passport).

>> 家姐係英國讀書都冇用, 如果你話你個配偶係英國, 就可以用dependent 既身份去apply. 係呢個case, 就算你家姐留左係英國10年, 佢entitle 左英國既國藉, 你都係唔可以同佢一齊變british citizen 的.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2013-01-12 9:44 pm
2013-01-12 9:29 pm

識個外國人, 同佢結婚。

BNO同你家姐, 都冇幚助。

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