
2013-01-12 9:09 am

回答 (5)

2013-01-12 9:45 am
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Dear Carol:-I want to book hotel room abroad (outside TW territory).I want to ask when is the (------) Hotel available ready to open for a hotel reservation booking, for the period as from 2013.09.01 to 2013.09.09.

Dear Sir, I should be grateful for your (---) Hotel if you would consider my hotel reservation booking available for the period as from 2013.09.01 to 2013.09.09 inclusive.
2013-01-14 5:19 pm
Hello, what will the hotel open when booking?I want to book time is 2013.09.01 to 2013.09.09 room
2013-01-13 1:34 am
When do you start to take reservations? I would like to book a room for xx days between Sept. 1, 2013 and Sept. 9, 2013. Thanks!
2013-01-12 3:53 pm
One of the hotel "rooms".
2013-01-12 2:35 pm
I plan to reserve one of your hotel room from september 1, 2013 to September 9, 2013. When will be the earliest available time I may make this reservation?
參考: Myself

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