Is there some way to disable an airconditioner without damaging it?

2013-01-11 2:15 pm
An airconditioner in a bedroom - is there some way I can 'disable' it, without damaging it.

Got a major problem with my kid - told not to use it, but continues to do so. My home is way behind in the mortgage and every single cent counts. Not to mention the stench that comes from his room (which used to be mine before he moved in - biggest and he has more stuff). Sweat, stale food - which I have constantly told him he is not to have in there - cigarette smoke, etc. etc. etc.
Power bill has more than tripled. NO, keep demanding, but does not contribute. Cannot throw him out for numerous reasons, but really want to.
Need help in at least disabling the aircon.....but so that I can do it and so that I can fix it again without expense when have to put my home on the market. Which is all too soon. Thanks to kid.

He is 22, 6'4" for those that wondered. Diagnosed with major depression. He WAS brought up extremely well with a lot of discipline. It is only the last couple of years when he lived away from home that he has gone to ****. As I am out of town with no public transport in the area, at least I have managed to stop him from knocking about with his no good 'mates' - they know better than to come out here and he can't get in to them! have tried everything - short of kicking him out, which I really cannot do at this stage. As for the other helpful hints about how to economise - the electricity and the internet fare the only two things left that I haven't cut out from my budget. And feeding my 3 alsations - I will starve before I let them do without their necessities.


He is a qualified diesel ftter, but cannot - or will not - work because of the meds he is on.

回答 (8)

2013-01-11 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
=== the outside unit has a power shut off box and you can pull the fuses and lock that box when he ain't looking .... or put a lock on the power panel inside the house ... tell him to clean the room or do it for him when he is out ...... a nasty room will cause illness you gotta learn him that one .....
2013-01-11 2:56 pm
You have a major problem. It's not the ac you need to control, it's your kid. I assume he is too big to beat into submission. That is what you have to do when you didn't teach proper attitudes at a younger age. So the only other thing you can do is throw him out -- screw the numerous reasons.
2013-01-11 3:46 pm
If its a central unit theres a fuse on the wall next to the unit outside. Pull it out and hide it. The AC will not work without it. Its just a matter of plugging it back in later. If he has a window unit just cut the cord off of it. To repair that it will take a little more effort and skill but a simple task none the less.
2013-01-11 2:18 pm
If it is a window unit take it out and store it somewhere he can not get to it.
2013-01-11 2:53 pm
Disconnect the power to it. If it has a plug on it, then you can either cut the plug off right at the plug. then you will have to have an electrician replace it when you deem necessary. OR buy one of those lock-out-tag-out devices to actually lock the plug out for being used.

Example images:

Use your favorite search engine to find a distributor in your area for purchase. Even a local Electrical supply house may sell you one.

You can start denying him food with the explanation that his electrical use is using up the money that you would have spent on his food. So he will have to choose. Air conditioning or food one or the other.
2013-01-11 2:23 pm
Its time to take action, enforce your kid. Threaten him, thinks he can live off you for free does he? This pressure will cause him to become university material or dust. some just cant take it. the air con should be plugged into something, look for a power cord anywhere.cut out spending money on what you don't need, example: antiques, TV, computer, cigarettes especially what the hell. spend it on needs, food, bills. cut out the unnecessary bills such as say phone or mobile phone bills. sometimes 3 or Vodafone gets bloody crazy. think common sense, this kid crossed the line.
2013-01-11 3:29 pm
If he's 18 give him the boot. His problems are not yours to solve. You say you can't for various reasons but unless you give us valid reasons for him to stay we can only assume you are in denial over his "Issues".

As for disabling it - since it doesn't sound like a window mount unit - or is it? - there is no easy to disable it without breaking something. Trust me, if you can disable it he can enable it. Unless you cut some wire inside, he'll figure a way around the problem.

Since you mention selling - go ahead and sell now. When EVERYBODY has to move out - you go your separate ways.

NOW: If he's a child (not 18 or older) then you have an obligation to take care of him. In that case find out which circuit breaker controls his electrical outlets and put a very small breaker in there. I don't know if a 10 amp breaker would stop the AC but it MIGHT.

Hope this helps.

'av'a g'day mate.

2013-01-14 1:53 pm
Sorry for your troubles: Only thing comes to mind, would be to pull the fuse, or breaker from the circuit. Anything else would be destructive. Good Luck!
2016-10-17 10:24 pm
All later kind vehicles with gas injection have a gas injection relay. it is almost a small ice cube in length. as quickly as you artwork out the place it is, it is elementary to do away with it, and slip it into your handbag. this could forestall gas pass and keep the motor vehicle disabled least confusing. additionally, by doing this, the CPU of the motor vehicle is in simple terms no longer affected, like it could in case you disconnect the battery. See?
2013-01-12 2:09 am
Gee I guess you waited to late to bust his A$$. You should have made him behave and do what you said when he was 2 . LIVE WITH IT

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