How to go to Wah Sing Street?

2013-01-10 6:52 pm
Hello everyone,

How to go to Wah Sing Street by MTR?

I checked on the map.

I found Kwai Hing and Kwai Fong Station also goes to there.

But I am confused which station is more convenient to get to the Wah Sing Street?

Thank you.

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Hello~Nice to meet you!

How to go to Wah Sing Street?
It is near to the Kwai Hing Station Exit A1
First,You go out Exit A1,and walk across the road
Second,You will see a flyover in front of you,walk up and pass through the castle peak road
Third, Walk through castle peak road and walk to the end of flyover.After that,you will see a road in front of you(Kwai Cheong Road),walk across the traffic light and continuous to walk to the front
Fourth,When you walk to the end,it is Tai Lin Pai Road,walk across the traffic light and continuous to walk to the front
Finally,Turn left in the next junction,and it is Wah Shing Street

Hope i can help you!
2013-01-11 7:21 pm
港鐵網街道及路線,你只需要在該站的藍色細字按一下,就會出該站的街道圖Station Location Maps and Layouts右上角有由那站去那站搜尋的下方有各站的出口及街道圖
2013-01-11 12:06 am
MTR Kwai Hing Station - A

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