急! F5 Trigonometry 11q5

2013-01-10 8:45 am
請詳細步驟教我計以下二條 :
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2013-01-11 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) tan∠RBC= RC/BC = 18/60∴∠RBC = 16。7°
the angle of elevation ofthe top R of the rod from B is 16.7°b) ∠NˊBC= 30゚ (Given)∠NˊBA = 70°(Given)∴ABC = 100°by Sine Rule, in △ABCAC/sin∠ABC = BC/sin∠BACAC = 60sin100°/sin20°  = 173mc)∠ACB = 180° - 100° -20° = 60° the area of △ABC= 1/2 (AC)(BC) sin60°
 = 1/2 (172。76)(60)sin60° = 4488。5≒ 4490 (sq)m a) at 4pm, bearing of ship A from the port P is N35°W, and AP = 80Kmbearing of ship B from the port P is N25°E, and AP = 45Km∴ ∠ APB = 60° AB^2 = AP^2 + PB^2 -2(AP)(PB)cos ∠APB= 80^2 +45^2 - 2(80)(45)cos60° = 4825∴ AB = 69.5 Km b) Cos ∠PAB = [AP^2 +AB^2 -PB^2]/2(AP)(AB) = [80^2 + 69.46^2 - 45^2]/2(80)(69.45) = 0.827788∠PAB = 34.1° the bearing of B from A is S 69.1° E
for 34.1 + 35 = 69.1

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:14:18
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