happy ending of cinderella 80字

2013-01-09 7:55 pm
Please help me write a new and happy ending of cinderella
(80 words)

回答 (1)

2013-01-10 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Whilst Cinderella and the Prince were dancing happilytogether on the dance floor inside the ballroom, the Prince invited Cinderella back to his palaceto be his princess. Without any hesitation, Cinderella immediately nodded, and kickedher glass shoes off. Hand in hand, Cinderella and the Prince ran out of theballroom. Together, they climbed on the Prince’s horse. The Prince yanked therein hard- the horse neighed loudly, and galloped away on the solitary streetsat the speed of light. Together, and they lived happily ever after. The end!

參考: me

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