Erectile dysfunction help!?

2013-01-09 1:23 am
Hey, I'm 16 years old and I'm pretty sure I have erectile dysfunction. When I'm on my own I can get hard without a problem, but when I'm with my girlfriend I get hard for a bit the 5 minutes through sex a go soft... This is really annoying me, I've tried not masturbating for a few weeks, that didn't work, I tried clearing my mind and turning the lights off to heighten my other senses, that still didn't work. Im just really getting fed up of this. i do smoke which i have read can block the blood flow to my penis, I drink about 1 beer every saturday and i dont do drugs anymore, by drugs a mean weed. What can I do?! I want to go to the doctors but I'm not sure if he can help me with my problem at this age, I'm not sure. Can someone tell me if my doctor can help me with my problem at this age? Any help would really be good, I'm really getting annoyed. My girlfriend understands so she's getting me through this. I'm not over weight either, I have a healthy lifestyle and I excercise twice a week.

回答 (8)

2013-01-09 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Smoking may be the cause. You can take a pill such as Viagra may help. I'm younger than you but I know about these things from school. Don't be embarrassed and ask your doctor about medicines that can help fade erectile dysfunction.
2015-06-21 5:50 am
Non drug treatments for ED include penile vacuum pumps, penile implants, and blood vessel surgery. A pump is used right before intercourse to pull blood into the penis. However, this method can cause bruising. Implants must be surgically inserted into the penis. They can then be inflated when necessary. Risks include those typically associated with surgery, such as infections.
2017-02-09 5:20 pm
參考: Solve Impotence Now
2016-06-26 5:11 am
Three Times Bigger Penis :
2016-02-24 9:26 am
Nope,not any. Otherwise 95% of the male population would have these kind of problems(he he, you.. the one who reads this now, I know you do it too...and you, and you and you, yea you all do it too..) It can lower the semen count or in a very few cases when a guy masturbays several times a day and does not have real sex it can lead to premature ejaculation . That's about it..
2013-01-09 5:35 am
Smoking can seriously affects your sexual life.because blood are not flow in all body part while you i think you are use kamagra, kamagra oral jelly, etc..pills it's helps to Erectile Dysfunction.
2013-01-09 1:31 am
Smoking can seriously do terrible things to guy... It can stunt penis growth... give you erectile dysfunction... everything. Only thing I can say is don't smoke anymore and wait. It'll pass. Try to excersise and eat healthy, too. That's always not a bad thing. And when you have sex, don't just have sex. work your way up to it and try to not think about your issue.
2013-01-09 1:28 am
Sorry to hear that
You said you can erect while watch adult movies or thinking of beautiful hot girls while masturbating but you can't while facing your gf...
I hate to say that, but will the problem hinge on your gf
Can you make her help you by wearing hot sexy suits or something??
參考: My experience

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