
2013-01-09 2:28 am

我應該要點樣編排讀D咩班? 點樣先知讀緊既科符合將來入大學既要求?

將來諗住報既大學係cal state university, 如果有機會的話想報usc~


唔讀math可唔可以入大學? 如果要讀math最少讀到咩level?


文科打算選讀英文, 歷史, 西班牙語/日語, fine art。


回答 (2)

2013-01-09 1:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. You can go to www.assist.org and check.

2. No. Each major has different requirements.

3. At least 120 units for a Bachelor.

Please note - some majors are not designed to have 120 units. In that case, you must find other courses to fulfill that gap.

4. Yes - you don't exactly what you are talking about. Look at the requirements and try again.

2013-01-10 6:10 am

Articulation Agreements

An articulation agreement is a published listing of courses offered at another college that will transfer to USC. It indicates which courses fulfill general education and other requirements and shows courses that are equivalent to lower-division courses at USC. USC has articulation agreements with most California community colleges; however, please note that not all community college courses will transfer to USC. All agreements are available online at www.usc.edu/articulation or from your college's transfer counselor.

No Articulation Agreement? If you attend an institution with which USC does not maintain an articulation agreement, consider the following:

1.Articulation histories: USC has articulation histories (partial course lists) for CSU Los Angeles, CSU Long Beach, CSU Northridge, CSU Pomona, UCLA, and UC Riverside. Visit the USC Office of Articulation for more information.

2.Other four-year institutions: Most academic courses from four-year institutions will transfer.

3.Two-year institutions: Most courses that transfer to the main ("flagship") four-year institutions in other states will transfer to USC. In California, most courses that transfer to the University of California system (not the California State University system) will transfer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:33:50
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