
2013-01-09 5:48 am

用字不需要太艱深,簡單明瞭即可,在此先謝謝各位m(_ _)m

回答 (5)

2013-01-09 6:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
He is not talented to be a college student. He asked his parents do not take a huge loan to send him to study in university.
In fact, there is no relationship between the good score and success. Success is related to enthusiasm, outgoing, interested in a wide area, many friends, and sharp. All these personal properties cannot be evaluated by exams.
參考: Myself
2013-01-09 3:37 pm
He was not College material, called cultivation of parents do not have to be in debt to him,Turns out, scores of 100 on relationship with success without,But with warm, extroverted, interest is very broad, and many friends, your head moving so fast,But these are not the exam.

He was not College material, called cultivation of parents do not have to be in debt to him,Turns out, scores of 100 on relationship with success without,But with warm, extroverted, interest is very broad, and many friends, your head moving so fast,But these are not the exam.

2013-01-09 11:19 am
To Prissy & the Force Man,

I don't get it, for "叫父母不必背債栽培他", why do both of you assume it is he who said that to his parents? It could very well be said by another person, as it doesn't specify "he" after the comma.

2013-01-09 03:21:10 補充:
See, Sir James thinks the same way as moi...people with logic think alike!
2013-01-09 11:14 am

Junior is no college material. Don't finance his education with parents' debt.

Evidently, to grade proves no relationship to success. Rahter, being passionate, out-going, flexible, social, and responsive are the real keys which cannot be proven with exams.
2013-01-09 6:35 am
Reckoning that being no academic material himself, he saw no reason for his parents to borrow to support his college educations.
His case was another proof that academic excellence is not a necessity to the success in life.
Personal passion, aggressiveness, broad interests, personal skills, and quick logic are better indicators that cannot be academically tested (to get them.)

May I add one more - being beautiful is also a good indicator.

2013-01-09 04:00:09 補充:
Dirty pandie with twisted logic is an empty set that is a subset of all sets.
The thinking is alike only when dirty pandie is not thinking.

2013-01-09 22:40:49 補充:
Another popular post?

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