中文同英文(English)問題! 20 points

2013-01-08 6:28 am
我F.3 ga, 我D中文硬系有個太缺點,表達能力差,時時識Answer但吾識寫,English also

回答 (5)

2013-01-08 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2013-01-09 8:48 pm
You can try this way:
everyday read at lease 2 books and talk to people with English or Chinese more.
參考: Me
2013-01-09 2:32 am
----Both Chi. and /Or Eng are Not good!------
(1)If you don't know Chinese connected with China, you better try and learn translation. It's to change speech or writing into English language. You'll have to translate eg:-translate the text from Chinese into English:-compare interpret. Most students learn Chinese---Translation---English easily. It might change you somebody from one form to another hopfully within (1 hr.per day x 2 weeks.) Add Oil !
(2) For Long Term Studies from F3 onwards:-
English language and Literature as a subject of study to become a teacher of English or whatever, you'll have to (read,listen,spk,&write). Read more English (+Chi.short story) books;(1 hr. per day x 2 weeks).Add Oil ! Listen more to RTHK progrm.,TVB Pearl; Write more English Compo from (Chi---Trans---Eng.) technic; Spk more to foreigners.
(3) Do you want to be a professor of English?
Something such as 20 as a prize given to someone to reward him for something he has done.
2013-01-08 11:42 pm
每天抽時間閱讀一些你有趣的故事書, 中文或英文故事書, 選些短而有趣的故事書或是童話書看, 兩星期後已有一定的進步。努力。
2013-01-08 8:17 pm
Read more books (at least an hour a day,both chi and eng)

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