我唔見左自己個group 係 Facebook , 但其他人就可以看到我個 gruop , 以下是朋友看到的問題, 我應如何處理?
Alan Lam
I can see your group!
In FB, there are many hackers putting spaming and invading accounts!
Someone must be playing bad treat with you!
I checked that they kicked you out of the Admin unless you kicked yourself out of the Admin
我個 group 名是開心快樂聚會, 但係 Facebook 群組唔見左我個group , 其他人看到為是我自己看唔到請幫忙解答謝謝!
急急急救命呀 我朋友 Rbuy cannot add me back to the group , You can't a banned user back to the group. Cannot Add Blocked User.... anthoer friend also cannot add me back to the group 她一打我的名字就彈去我個 FB 度, 一樣都是不可以加番我入個 group :'( :'( :'(
Big Problem: Someone must did this very bad for you! Recently, who has any arguments and bad discussion with you. If you can name some, I may ask my Police friends to follow them. Besides, you need to tell me more about your case before taking any action in case further damages may be done!
how can I slove this problem ???
how can I slove this problem?