
2013-01-08 7:27 am

(1) I'll visit my sister, who lives in Taiwan. (非限定用法)

當由關係代名詞為首的形容詞子句沒有直接跟在先行詞後面時(通常是先行詞後接有介系詞片語),如以下(2)語,這時,為了避免造成which的先行詞是the United States的誤會,所以在which前放了一個逗點,也就是說,如果不是在「非限定用法」時使用逗點,那麼在關係代名詞前放一個逗點,就是表示它的先行詞不是緊接它之前的名詞,而是更前面的名詞才是它真正的先行詞~


(2) The first thanksgiving feast in the United States, which took place in

1621 lasted three days.

(3) There must be clearly defined, written procedures for ongoing monitoring of
analytic performance, including (1) number and frequency of controls;(2)
establishment of tolerance limits for control testing;and (3) corrective actions
based on quality control data.

這句的( ,including~~這部分就是 ,which includes ~省略而來,而且它的先行詞是written procedures 而不是analytic performance)

(4) Particulate matter includes organic carbon form biofilms and inorganic
aggregates that can vary over time both in nature of the contamination and the
effect on the laboratory use.

((4) 句裡的that之後接的部分是在說 inorganic aggregates 而不是
organic carbon,是因為that 前面沒有逗點,而如果that 前有逗點,其先行詞就可能是organic carbon) 我這樣的想法對嗎???

The CLSI Guideline provides testing information for microbial content, and resistivity, as well as total organic carbon. ( ,and resistivity 用逗點隔開,是說"微生物含量的檢測資訊 以及 電阻係數的檢測資訊" 而不是 "微生物含量和微生物電阻係數的檢測資訊" ) 我這樣想對不對??


Jedi你意思我明白,但我是說 如(2) 句裡 thanksgiving feast (以下稱TF)是整個名詞組的 頭,而in the United States這個介系詞片語只是做說明用 而TF 和US都是名詞,如果which 的先行詞指的是"更前面的名詞" TF 而不是直接在它前面的US,這時就要在which 前加一個逗點? 如果一個關代的先行詞不是指就在它前面的那個名詞,是否就要在關代前加一個逗來表示? 而如果看到一個句子的關代前有逗點,而且不是做「非限定用法」時,是否表示其先行詞不是直接在它前面的名詞,而是"更"前面的名詞?

回答 (1)

2013-01-08 4:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
您所說的不完全正確, 對於形形容詞子句, 它關係代名詞的先行詞可以是緊接在它之前的名詞, 也可以是整個片語或子句. 在您第二個例子:
The first thanksgiving feast in the United States, which took place in 1621 lasted three days.

which 的先行詞是 The first thanksgiving feast in the United States, 而不僅僅是 The first thanksgiving feast.

第三個例子中, which includes 中 which 的先行詞是 written procedures for ongoing monitoring of analytic performance 整個片語.

第四個例子中, that 的先行詞是 inorganic aggregates 沒錯, 但如果先行詞要改為organic carbon form biofilms and inorganic aggregates, 除了加逗號外, that 也要改為 which (不能用that).

先行詞可以是名詞 (包括形容詞), 片語或子句, 但一定是緊接在關係代名詞之前.
參考: Myself

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