✔ 最佳答案
可愛的小怪物您好, @ - @ 也讓Panda try try ㄅ! 發現有些中文打錯, 順便幫你改改ㄅ; 如下: 你可以教我怎麼跳這個舞蹈嗎?1. Can you teach me how to do this dance? *Do this dance = 跳這個舞 2. 可以做一個舞蹈教學的影片嗎?Is it possible to make a dance tutoring video? *Dance tutoring video = 舞蹈教學影片 3. 我最近覺得壓力好大,做甚麼事都不順利。Recently, I have been under a lot of pressure because nothing seems to go smoothly. *Under a lot of pressure = 壓力好大 4. 你會不會有時候聽不懂我再說什麼? (雞同鴨講)Do you sometimes not understand what I am saying? (Comparing apples to oranges) 5. 已經過了這麼多天了,我希望你可以回覆我訊息。It has been days since sending you my message; please reply at your soonest convenience. 6. 你知道她是開哪種牌子的車嗎?Do you know the make of the car she drives? *Make = 牌子 7. 我想抽菸,我一直在忍耐不去碰它,但是我想我總有一天會忍不住的。I really feel like smoking; I have been holding it for some time, but I have a feeling it won’t last forever. 8. A:好久沒見了,你為什麼這幾天都沒上線?A: It had been sometime since you last went online; where have you been?
B:我這幾天要參加學校的畢業旅行,所以沒時間使用電腦,但是我還是很喜歡 你們標記我的相片和文章。
B: I have been busy preparing for my school’s graduation trip, so I haven’t had time to use the computer, but I liked how you and others tagged my pictures and writings. *tagged = 標記 Hope it helps!
參考: Eat, drink, and sleep English...