
2013-01-08 6:08 am






回答 (3)

2013-01-08 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Leon is his life mentor.

About feelings

We cannot be escaped from the feelings. We must accept all the feelings, and we must be survived and transcended from the injury due to the feelings.

About money

Everyone needs the materiality life. However, love, friendship, and affection cannot be replaced by no matter how much money.
參考: myself
2013-01-08 9:13 pm
Leon was his mentor in life.
On the emotional
We cannot shirk our feelings, must accept all feelings, take damage and detached from it.
On the money
Everyone needs physical life, love, friendship, affection is no amount of money can replace.
2013-01-08 7:48 am
Leon is his mentor.
about affecion
we cannot escape feelings, we must be except all feelings, withstand damage from which transcend yourself..
about finance
Everyone need material life, but affections, friendships, families is no amount of money can not be replaced.
參考: my self

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