
2013-01-07 10:50 am

Alas, Industry cluster has been regarded as an important spatial pattern of industrial development, by the relevant survey data in order to understand the development scenario of the industry and the spatial distribution of the current situation and to explore a different amount of space measurement methods of use of the results on the manufacturing industry cluster, the Taiwan manufacturing industry as the research object. In the empirical part, divided into two phases conducted: the first stage, the GIS that manufacturing in the distribution of the different periods of the overall space; the second stage, use the Location Quotient, index of concentration, global spatial autocorrelation etc. spatial measurement method operational understanding of cluster status.

回答 (2)

2013-01-07 11:35 am
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我猜測您的翻譯直接來自 google translator 之類的翻譯軟體. 全文沒有一個句點. 英文跟中文很不一樣. 每兩句一定要用句點隔開, 每一句一定要有主詞動詞, 而且每一句也只能有一個主詞一個動詞. 在中文中沒有主詞好像沒問題, 但翻譯軟體直接翻成英文時, 不會幫你加主詞, 就有問題了. 例如 "分成兩個階段進行", 中文好像沒
問題, 但實際上應該是 "本研究分成兩個階段進行", 翻成英文時, 要加入 This research 當主詞, 不然就不能寫成正確的英文句子了. 以下是根據您的原翻譯改寫成英文給您參考:

Industry cluster has been considered as an important spatial pattern of industrial development. The manufacturing industry in Taiwan area is selected as the object for this research. In order to understand the industry development and the spatial distribution for now, the relevant survey data was analyzed. This research also explored the application of a different amount of space measurement methods and their results on the manufacturing industry cluster. In the empirical part, this research was divided into two phases. The first stage, this research applied GIS to get the distribution of the overall space of the manufacturing industry during the different time periods. The second stage, this research applied the spatial measurement methods such as Location Quotient, index of concentration, and global spatial autocorrelation etc. to understand the cluster status.
參考: Myself
2013-01-07 11:34 pm
Industrial clusters has been considered as important spatial pattern of industrial development, so the research to manufacturing industry in Taiwan as research objects, through relevant survey data to understand the industry's development situation and the status of the spatial distribution and explored from different spatial measurement results on the application of the method of manufacturing clusters. In actual operation, divided into two phases: the first phase, mainly using GIS (geographic information system) know that the manufacturing sector in the overall distribution of space in different periods; the second phase, uses location quotients, concentration index, spatial space measurement methods such as self-understanding clustering status of the operation.

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