Why do women find it weird that I don't plan on getting married?

2013-01-07 1:23 am
I was having casual discussion with a group of people and I said that women and love aren't even a priority in my life. Then I said that I don't plan on getting married, but if it happens whatever. Some of the women were shocked and a few wanted to start an argument about it. What's their problem?

回答 (11)

2013-01-07 1:29 am
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I'm in the same situation, except female. I'd rather focus on other things, and people look at me like I'm crazy. Or they're like, "you're 20, you just haven't met the right one yet." I don't understand how society acts like it's a necessity for everyone to get married.
2013-01-07 9:27 am
People have control issues and some think that getting married is the ultimate goal. However, i feel that being content with yourself is most important.

Whatever you do is entirely your choice. You may never change your mind, or someday you might. Time will tell

take care too!
2013-01-07 9:43 am
Be careful, that's women's means of putting you into a compromising position. Women these days make marriage a career. They marry to fleece men out of a partial lifetime of support using marriage and children as the means/cash cow. Once they achieve support from one man thru divorce they will move onto another and the cycle continues. You are simply being set up as a target if not for them for some other woman. If you don't believe this talk to some divorced men. You will soon find out.......
2013-01-07 9:32 am
You're part of a growing group of people. Fewer young people are getting married these days or waiting until later in life. There's nothing wrong with your decision.

Some people have a lot of trouble conceiving of anyone having a different opinion than them.
2013-01-07 9:34 am
Some people can't understand not having someone. If the right person comes along, you will probably succomb to marriage, but if the right one isn't around, then stay single. Most people don't like themselves to stay alone in a room for more than a couple hours with no one else to talk to, because they don't like themself.
2013-01-07 9:28 am
That's because many of them are focused only on marriage. They live through another person (husband). They don't have an individual life: they are so dependent, they must live their one and only life through someone else. Sickening, isn't it?
2013-01-09 5:13 am
Some people always want to put in their two cents. Women can be the worst about this. Don't let them worry you. It's your life and you can do what you want.
2013-01-08 4:57 am
Being married with kids is the natural thing for people. They do not have the problem.
參考: 52 years of life.
2013-01-08 1:47 am
Those women are stupid! Dont mind them.

You have all the time to be successful(financially). Concentrate on that! goodluck dude!
2013-01-07 7:46 pm
most women imagine marriage at some point.
if you dont want to get married..dont...its fine for you..

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