Animal lovers only please. I miss my kitty, badly. :( (BEWARE: Long question.)?

2013-01-06 3:36 pm
Okay this might seem a bit immature to many, but if you don't own/truly love a pet please don't reply. I'm in no state for sarcasm or bad attempts at rotten jokes.
I just left my cat a cattery today. I got her when she is was still a kitten and now she's 2.5 years old and in all that time I have never left her for more than a few hours. I'm not exaggerating when I say she is more than a child to me, and she's on my mind every single second. Anyways, to be precise, I feel like a horrid human being for leaving her. I'm going to another country for a week (medical reasons, vacation of sorts) and I have no choice since my parents are practically forcing me (I'm 19).
The cattery's a nice place, the woman has built it on her roof, and it's pretty clean, plus the lady there was very sweet. There were a LOT of cats, too. I don't know, though. My cat was clinging to me, since she's really timid, and hissing at this other cat I petted (out of jealousy) and then she just hid in the corner of her little house and wouldn't budge. She's a Siamese, and a midget Siamese at that; very clever, VERY curious, and yet at a size disadvantage in front of all those persians and bengal cats, THRICE her size. The lady only lets them sit outside there cages under supervision but I'm scared for her.
Honestly, I just miss her. A lot. I miss putting my nose against her fur and hearing her little tummy rumble. I miss her sneaking into my quilt and snuggling against my arm, I miss her lying on my back when I read a book. I miss feeding her cream off a spoon. I miss her loud purring and worrying over her. I'm sorry I sound like a retard, but if this cat wasn't there I wouldnt be alive right now. she'saved me from myself, she's loved me like no other, and I never want to be away from her :( Plus, my sister's autistic, and now she's sitting in the corner herself, depressed, since she and the cat had quite an understanding. I don't know what to do, or how I'll spend the next NINE days. Tonight will be my first night without her, and I've cried loads already. I feel like calling the owner again and checking, since rather weirdly, I heard a cat meowing outside my house a while ago and of course, it's not possible its mine since the cattery's an hour away by car, but it's given me shivers AND jitters. I guess I just need a nice word from someone. I just want to run all the way there and bring my kitty home. She's such a shy little thing, so used to humans since she's an indoor cat, and so very nice to everyone, what if she's horribly bullied.
Oh AND today out of nowhere, and THIS WILL BE GROSS, I saw er...a hair sticking out of, behind. I pulled at it a bit, and it came out a bit but then my cat just moved and I left it there. There was no time at the cattery to explain that, and now I wonder if it's something I need to tell her, or if she'll see for herself? My mom says its nothing to worry over, just a hair she may have swallowed running after something and it'll come out when she poops...but, I guess I need a good cry again.
sorry for the rant :(

回答 (5)

2013-01-06 4:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't ever apologize for loving your kitty Raven!! Frankly I wouldn't put my emotional happiness in any other paws except my kitty! I'm also a "human rescue" by many cats I've had over a long lifetime, and like you, I doubt I'd still be here if it weren't for them. Just make it through your "vacation" day to day and focus on when you will see her again! Her fur will probably be a little dull when you return, but just take a brush and gently brush away the loose fur while talking and loving on her. Both of you will feel wonderful for this! One thing you might do is to call the lady caring for your kitty and ask that she hold the phone within earshot of your kitty. You won't be able to see her, but I'll just bet she will perk up at the sound of your voice...and just maybe offer a little "hello" back to you! Think of the sweet times of the past and all those to come when you return! Good luck!! : )
參考: Siamese experience!!
2016-11-25 2:36 pm
2013-01-06 7:08 pm
Your kitteh will be fine. Maybe not too happy while you're gone, but she will be OK. Sometimes we have to travel places where it is impossible or impractical to take our pets. You did the right thing by finding good care for her while you have to be gone. If it makes you feel better, go ahead and make the call to ease your mind. You'll be back soon, so then you can enjoy your reunion. Best wishes to you!
2013-01-06 4:15 pm
It's ok to miss your kitty :( I've had my cat for 13 years now and she is like a best friend to me! It's really hard to leave her when I go on vacation and especially when I go off to college. I like to take along pictures of her to put by my bed. I'd recommend taking a picture or two of your kitty for while you are on vacation. If it's not in a frame, just take along some poster tack so you can hang it up pretty much anywhere in your room. And don't feel too guilty for taking her there, she will be ok!
2013-01-06 4:13 pm
Oh, I'm so sorry..:( I used to have a loving dog named Coco, and she was the best. Although we couldn't take care of her well, she was always happy and bouncy when we played with her! It's okay, you will feel better, trust me. Just remember memories about her and make sure you have a person to hug. Pray to God! You will feel much better! I have 2 cats now, and I am promising my heart to take care of them much better than my dog. I hope you will feel better and hope you feel better! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-01-06 3:43 pm
It's normal. Our cats are very important to us. My old cat just passed away and I miss her terribly. She was overweight and very squishy. I used to tuck my toes under her squishy side and I miss the way she felt. So warm and soft on my toes. And she had like curly, soft fur on her belly that felt so good when I petted her. It was so comforting when she would get under the covers with me and sleep next to my chest. She was 18 years old and had been with me through so much. So I understand how you miss your kitty. Just remember that each day that passes is one day closer to you getting to see her again. Try to enjoy your vacation.

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