Why do women feel so entitled?

2013-01-06 6:43 am
Women nowadays claim to want to be treated equal. Equal pay, equal opportunity, they are independent, they don't need men to take care of them, etc... I agree with them wholeheartedly. However, when push comes to shove, women expect men to do the heavy lifting and they uphold the double standards that benefit them. They want meals paid for, dates paid for, bills paid for vacations/trips paid for, gifts, etc... They want doors opened, they want the man to do all the driving and utilize his gas/take the risk of drinking and getting behind the wheel. I could go on and on.

Then if a guy is foolish enough to do all this crap for women, the women won't have the decency to say thank you or appreciate it. They just expect it and feel entitled to be treated like something special (like they have some sort of magic vagina).

I just want to know what makes a female have this sense of entitlement?

回答 (16)

2013-01-06 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Couldn't agree with you more... yet, I don't have an answer. Perhaps its like you said, they're the ones with the vagina.
2013-01-06 7:00 am
Well it's obvious to me that you have recently dealt with this sort of woman. I have to agree that there are too many women who act like this, and in many ways. I find young women who accidentally get pregnant often have this attitude with the father. It's HER child, when convenient, but it's HIS fault when it's to her advantage. I understand your frustration, trust me, but I can promise you, not all women are like that. My mother was a very "do it yourself" lady- she tore our house apart and rebuilt it herself without help from my dad. She divorced him, but didn't get a lawyer or seek any of his money (she's a school teacher, he's a loaded business owner, so the ***** you're describing would have raped his bank account)... she taught me well, and while I expect equal treatment from men, I don't want anything from them, and in fact, have been told I need to ease up and accept a hand once in a while. My husband fights me for the bill at dinner, and we both pay everything. I'll admit, I ask him to reach things as he's a foot taller and open jars, but that's about the extend of the favors I ask. But there are things I can do for him too, that he can't do, so I think we're equally give and take. You've been meeting the wrong women, but don't lose hope. The world is full of assholes, both male and female, and you have to sort through quite a few before you meet a good person.
2013-01-06 6:55 am
If you are getting with one way women, then kick the ***** to the curb. Problem solved.

Most women I have ever dated do expect a man to pay for the date when they are first dating each other. As a man, you should be prepared to do so without acting like a crybaby *****. Even if she supposedly makes more money than you do, be happy to do it. That is to show a woman that you are a man who makes his own money and she isn't potentially getting with a deadbeat or someone who is going to sponge off of her.

Over time after dating a few times it becomes a relationship, she will happily pay for the date or at least pay her half of the date. I have personally been in relationships where one date I pay and the next one she will pay. Once it becomes a relationship, there are many days you aren't going out that often anymore and you are content on going to each others houses and spending the nights in. That is called a give and take relationship.

If you are dating someone after a couple of times and she isn't offering to help chip in for the cost of the date, then you need to kick the ***** to the curb with extreme prejudice. She obviously is using you for a free night out. She is a taker and gives nothing in return. Don't stick around and be a sap. I don't care if she is giving you some later that night.

There are also a lot of women who on first dates will want to go Dutch treat at first. If she is willing to pay her half of the date, then better yet. A lot of young ladies want to go Dutch because she doesn't want to be pressured into sex immediately. Especially if the date starts getting pricey.
2016-05-12 5:07 pm
Couldn't have put it better myself. Denounce the double standards that hurt them, but uphold the double standards that benefit them. Honestly, I don't think they even notice their own double standards. Just the ones they dont like, and it makes sense. If it aint a problem, why fix it?

Its on us MEN to call women out on this and let them know, but guys are brought up to rarely speak about their problems and only when they are very important. Nothing as benign as this can be seriously discussed among men in a social setting. Its just not how society is, and its hurting men.

We are seriously in a time when masculinist are needed. We really are in that time, and if you ever bring up any of these issues to women they'll just shoot it down and say YOU'RE being sexist for calling out sexism towards men, or they say some other condescending ****. Sound familiar? Now its our turn to stand up for equality! Dont tread on me you pink hitlers
2013-01-06 6:51 am
There's a difference between equality and being a gentleman, sir.

I have never wanted my dinner paid for, or movie tickets or anything. Never let it happen.

There's also a difference between being equal and being a gold digger.

Generally men are stronger than women. It's in our genetic code. It makes sense for them to do heavier lifting. And even though there are laws on equality, men still get paid more on average.

What's wrong with opening a door and pulling out a chair for your woman? It's called being a nice person. That's why we say please and thank you. It's not like we have to. It's being POLITE.

One of the biggest things, for me, is that I want to be treated equally on the Internet. Is it so hard to believe women use the Internet? To not call people "g.i.r.l.s?" To not be such an asshole because they don't believe I'm a girl, for whatever reason?

Can we have the sexist jokes stop?
2013-01-06 6:51 am
Not all females are like that, but i will have to agree with you, a lot of them are.

It's just how society is. Guys are out in the garage, and girls are in the kitchen.
It's how we're raised. Our mother's, grandmother's, and great grandmother's generation was way different from how it is now. So they raise their daughters to be the "lady" and the sons to be the "gentleman".

Its just how the past many generations has been, and it's hard to break a cycle that has been going on so long.
參考: my opinion
2013-01-06 6:48 am
This is a generalization. Not all women are like that, and those of us that aren't, don't appreciate it. That's like me having a bad experience with a guy cheating on me and then claiming that all men are innately pigs.

Anyways, the meal paid for thing is purely sociological. Somehow our society has made that the expectation. The same goes for doors being opened, driving, etc. It's for the same reason that it is socially accepatable for a woman to wear a dress but not for a man to. I can't tell you why these standards have developed because I simply do not know, but it is just custom.
2016-01-20 10:28 pm
Figured nezzy wasn t available for comment. World War Two.
Woman worked built planes. Men fought. Somehow the work together attitude from the 20 s and 30 s during the depression got lost. Men came back went back to work. Woman went home. Started taking care of the house. In the 60 s the now up and running crowd that didn t do them selves in with drugs, were starting to take America apart 1 by 1. Now some of them are the hypocrites making all the money when back then it was down with the establishment. Then Jane Fonda opened her mouth....and the rest is pretty much what my friend at the top sermized. Woman have a vagina and feel entitled to what we men work hard for. I say have more self respect for yourselves guys..and stop giving it away.
But... That s just my opinion!
2017-01-12 11:14 pm
Self Entitled Women
2013-01-06 6:57 am
just because you have one or two girlfriends that do that doesn't mean every woman does. we do need to be treated with respect,as do men, ya MOST guys can reach higher, lift heavier things, and so on, but can a man carry a baby for 9 months and then push it out of their, well you know. I don't think so. we like to be pampered from time to time, and y isn't that okay, if you love someone, you should do anything for them. and remember that your lady is always right ;)
2013-01-06 7:08 am
I'm sorry you view half of the billions of people on this planet that way.

It must not occur to you that not every woman is like that. If you believe that, then you're a fool.

And what about rape? Periods? Childbirth?
I'm sorry that you have to lift heavy things or spend some money on dinner, or god forbid, BUY A GIFT. It's not like women have to do that from time to time - that's unheard of.

If you really view women in such a condescending tone, then you must not be trying hard to find someone who doesn't fit the cultural stereotype, asshole.

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