Some questions about UCAS

2013-01-06 2:33 am
Hi, I am a HK secondary 6 student, and I would like to ask something about UCAS, hope you can help me.

1) I'm F.6 now and going to have HKDSE this year. I would also like to apply UCAS beside of JUPAS. Do I need to summit the reference letter to UCAS, if so, how?
2) Since I know the deadline of UCAS is 15 Jan, do I need to finish all the options in UCAS system before the deadline, or I can fill those afterwards?
3) How do I summit my predicted grade and IELTS marks to the system?
4) How to write my Personal Statement? Is that similar to the SLP's one? and;
5) How many words around do I need for that?

Thanks a lot for answering my questions

回答 (1)

2013-01-06 4:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) I'm F.6 now and going to have HKDSE this year. I would also like to apply UCAS beside of JUPAS. Do I need to summit the reference letter to UCAS, if so, how?

>> 要既, 係你apply ucas 果時, 佢地會有個session 係要你俾個reference letter 俾佢地, 你可以問番你而家既學校, 叫佢地幫你寫個reference letter, 入面有你既predicted grade, 再俾番ucas 果邊就可以, 當你開左個application form 果時, 你就會見到個procedure了.

2) Since I know the deadline of UCAS is 15 Jan, do I need to finish all the options in UCAS system before the deadline, or I can fill those afterwards?

>> 係. 要係ready to submit, 因為一send 左出去, 就冇得改了. 而我印象中, overseas 既applicant, 個deadline 好似係去到6月的. 呢個你要check check.

3) How do I summit my predicted grade and IELTS marks to the system?

>> 用reference letter, 同時, 當你開左個account 之後. 你就會可以入你既成績, 有得揀個grade, 你只要揀pending就可以了.

4) How to write my Personal Statement? Is that similar to the SLP's one? and;

>> 唔係好知咩係slp, 但係personal statement 係一封sell 你自己俾大學用既信, 你要講下點解你咁想入果一科, 你個人有咩好, 你做過d 咩去了解果一科等等.

5) How many words around do I need for that?

>> 平均1個page 既word document 就可以了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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