
2013-01-05 8:50 pm
My name is xxx.I am xxx years old.I am a Primary x student.I live in xxxx and I study in xxxxxxxl.
I am good at Mathematics.I have a good result in Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Competition. I also join a club which is about Mathematical Olympiad.I hope I can win more awards in Mathematics Competition.
I think I am friendly and helpful.I also like to meet new friends.In my spare time,I would like to reading or doing outdoor activities.On every Sunday,I like to go out with my family.
I hope I can admitted to the University .My dream job is lawyer. Because being a lawyer can help people.

謝謝 個個都好好 比邊個好?





回答 (6)

2013-01-05 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案


My name is xxx.I am xxx years old.I am a Primary x student.I live in xxxx and I study in xxxxxxxl.
I am good at Mathematics.I have a good result in Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Competition. I also join a club which is about Mathematical Olympiad.Beside Mathematic, I also good at Chinese and Liberal Studies.I hope I can win more awards in Mathematics' Competition.
I think I am friendly and helpful.I also like meeting new friends.In my spare time,I would like reading or doing outdoor activities such as xxx.On every Sunday,I will go running and playing with my family at the park.
I hope I can admit to the University and to be a funtional person in society.My dream job is lawyer because being a lawyer can help people in need especially those who are haveing injuctice problem.

記得Because 唔可以放在 full stop (.) 後.
2013-01-06 12:24 am
I live in xxxx and I study in xxxxxxxl.
*I live in xxxx. I study at xxxxx.
I can win more awards in Mathematics Competition.
*I can achieve more awards in Mathematics competitions.
I think I am friendly and helpful.
*I am friendly and helpful.
I would like to reading or doing outdoor activities
*I like to read or do some outdoor activities/
*I like reading or doing some outdoor activities/
*I usually/always read books or do some outdoor activities
On every Sunday,I like to go out with my family.
*Every Sunday,I usually/always go out with my family.
My dream job is lawyer.
*I want to be a lawyer when I grow up.
Because being a lawyer can help people.
*It is because being a lawyer can help people.
2013-01-05 9:14 pm
My name is xxx.I am xxx years old.I am a Primary x student.I live in xxxx and study in xxxxxxx.
I am good at Mathematics and got a good result in Hong Kong Mathematics Olympic Competition. I also join a club which is about Mathematics Olympic .I aim at winnig more awards in this kind of competition.
I regard myself as a friendly and helpful student.I like to meet new friends.In my spare time,I like reading books or doing outdoor activities.
I wish to become a lawyer in future since being a lawyer can help the needy.

2013-01-08 19:15:53 補充:
anson, 常識係general studies, 通識先係liberal studies ah.唔好教錯人la
2013-01-05 9:13 pm
參考: 母
2013-01-05 9:06 pm
英文漏寫了一句: My academic achievement medium/ 我的學業成績中等
2013-01-05 9:05 pm
win more awards→achieve more awards

i think I am friendly and helpful.I also like to meet new friends→I am a friendly and helpful person,I like to meet new friends.

I would like to reading or doing outdoor activities.→I like reading or participate
in outdoor activities.

On every Sunday,I like to go out with my family.→Every Sunday,I like spend tim with my family.

I hope I can admitted to the University .My dream job is lawyer. Because being a lawyer can help people.→I hope I can enter University.My dream job is a lawyer, it is because being a lawyer can help people in need.

2013-01-05 13:09:45 補充:

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